Effects of Denial of Service Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dd1246
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Mobile ad hoc networks are often deployed in environments where the nodes of the networks are unattended and have little or no physical protection against tampering.The nodes of mobile ad hoc networks are thus susceptible to compromise.The networks are particularly vulnerable to denial of service(DoS) attacks launched through compromised nodes or intruders.In this paper,we investigated the effects of flooding attacks in network simulation 2(NS-2) and measured the packet delivery ratio and packet delay under different flooding frequencies and different numbers of attack nodes.Simulation results show that with the increase the flooding frequencies and the numbers of attack nodes,network performance drops.But when the frequency of flooding attacks is greater than a value,the performance decrease gets smooth.Meanwhile the packet delay firstly increases and then declines to a value of stability at the end. Mobile ad hoc networks are often deployed in environments where the nodes of the networks are unattended and have little or no physical protection against tampering. The nodes of mobile ad hoc networks are thus susceptible to compromise. These networks are particularly vulnerable to denial of service ( (NS-2) and measured the packet delivery ratio and packet delay under different flooding frequencies and different numbers of attack nodes. Simulation results show that with the increase of flooding frequencies and the numbers of attack nodes, network performance drops.But when the frequency of flooding attacks is greater than a value, the performance decrease gets smooth .Meanwhile the packet delay first increases and then declines to a value of stability at the end.
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4月13日下午,海门市东洲国际学校彩旗招展,学校的老师和同学们列队欢迎盼望已久的雷锋生前战友乔安山。欢迎的人群中,一支身着迷彩服的队伍格外引人注目,这是由民企老板顾沈峰率领的雷锋车队。当天,雷锋车队揭牌仪式在学校举行。  乔安山、顾沈峰,学校、雷锋车队揭牌,这些看起来似乎不搭界的对象被拉在了一起,显现的是海门人共同的精神向往——雷锋。  随着活动的开展,一幅幅画面在记者眼里清晰起来——当年,汶川大
小时候,经常唱的一首歌叫《学习雷锋好榜样》,经常听的故事是《雷锋的故事》,雷锋精神深深地影响了我们这一代人。  那时候,学习雷锋,是我们的自觉行动。平日里,遇见有困难的人,我们想到雷锋,便自觉地伸出援助之手;学习、工作上遇到困难,我们会想到雷锋的“钉子”精神;想“奢侈”一下的时候,我们会想到雷锋自己缝补衣裳的情景;遇到坏人坏事时,我们想到雷锋,会去见义勇为……  雷锋始终伴我们成长。如今,风风雨雨