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1 国内油田小修作业机的现状在油田的原油生产活动中,各类修井、增产措施作业占有十分重要的地位。据统计,我国各油田每年要进行十多万次的各类修井作业和增产措施作业,其中绝大部分是小修作业的范畴。小修作业中承担起、下油管柱和更换井下工具的主要装备是小修作业机和通井 1 The status quo of small repairing machines in domestic oilfields In the crude oil production activities of oilfields, various types of workover and stimulation measures occupy a very important position. According to statistics, all kinds of oilfields in our country have to carry out various types of workover work and production stimulation measures more than 100,000 times a year, most of which are in the category of minor repairs. Minor repair operations to assume, under the tubing string and the replacement of underground tools, major equipment is minor repairs machine and through well
Structure and magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles and Ni(C) nanocapsules were studied. The carbon atoms hardly affect the lattice of Ni to form Ni-C solid s
A mononuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu(bipy)(naph)(ClO4)] (where bipy is bipyridine and naph is 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde), was synthesized and characterized by
耳机你可能比较熟悉一个叫做Beats Audio的耳机品牌,众多演艺和体育明星对这个品牌的大肆推广,让其成为了时尚人士最流行的耳机品牌。今天我们所介绍的SOL,其创始人KEVIN LEE
选择性增殖腺病毒dl15 2 0是一种新型的进入Ⅲ期临床研究的肿瘤基因病毒治疗药物 ,本文综述了dl15 2 0的发现、结构、实验研究和作用机理、临床试验研究疗效以及研究方向和展
The polystyrenylphosphonous acid (PSPA) of low polymerization degree was prepared with one step reaction. The reaction mechanism was changed with different ini
北京3月21日电 据悉我国几种外销中药材市况如下: 人参:是我国出口创汇的大品种,由于国内价格仍在上涨,外贸报价居高不下。近年受深圳一些沿海城市走私的影响,正常出口受到
据悉,在对日出口食品时,除了遵守商品、关税配额,限制或禁止进口商品种类外,在货物到达日本港口或机场后,应注意如下事项:1 食品到达日本7天前,食品进口商必须向厚生大臣(卫