
来源 :河海大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonight000
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由中国水利学会主办,宁波原水集团有限公司和河海大学承办,中国水利学会水资源专委会、浙江省水利学会、南京水利科学研究院、浙江大学等单位协办的中国原水论坛将于2010年10月13—15日在浙江省宁波市举行.中国原水论坛旨在汇聚国内外专家学者、水行业工程技术管理人员、水务企 Organized by China Water Conservancy Institute, Ningbo Raw Water Group Co., Ltd. and Hohai University contractors, China Water Conservancy Institute of Water Resources Committee, Zhejiang Institute of Water Resources, Nanjing Institute of Hydraulic Research, Zhejiang University and other units co-sponsored by China Water Forum 2010 October 13-15 held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province China Water Forum aims to bring together domestic and foreign experts and scholars, water industry engineering and technical management personnel, water enterprises
There will be more and more AC transmission lines near oil/gas pipelines in the future.So in order to determine the safe distance between them,simple and effect
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Catalysis is the cornerstone of modern chemical industry,and it has played a central role in the well-being of human society and in the enhancement of livelihoo
The densities, conductivities, and viscosities were measured for ternary solutions of N-hexyl,methylpyrrolidinium bromide([PP1,6]Br)- N-butyl,methylpyrrolidiniu