
来源 :中国社会公共安全研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomily98
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随着经济的发展,PX与人们的生活已经密不可分。但相比于国外PX项目的风生水起,中国的PX项目却越来越成为群众集体抵制的洪水猛兽。外国PX项目能一路绿灯的原因在于其信息的公开透明,有成熟而严格的环境风险管控制度和违规惩戒机制以及长期的发展积累的丰富经验和科普知识。反观中国,以广东茂名为典型,PX项目举步维艰的根源还是在于民众对政府的不信任、政府的决策偏轨、公民科学常识的缺乏、邻避效应突出以及企业缺乏社会责任感等。通过PX项目效益因素的分析,探究中国PX项目的出路,则应是在平等互信、相互理解、充分沟通的基础上,用群策群力取代单向命令,达成各方利益平衡的健康可行的方案,以真正切实高效的行动追求公共利益的最大化,而非自利。 With the economic development, PX and people’s lives have been inseparable. However, compared with the rapid development of foreign PX projects, China’s PX project has become more and more the massacre of collective resistance. The reason that foreign PX projects can be green all the time is that their information is open and transparent, that they have mature and rigorous environmental risk management and control rules and regulations, as well as long-term accumulation of experience and popular science knowledge. In contrast, in China, with Maoming as a typical example, the root cause of the difficult PX project lies in people’s distrust of the government, derailment of government decision-making, lack of common scientific citizenship, outstanding neighbor effect and lack of corporate social responsibility. Through analyzing the benefit factors of PX projects and exploring the way out for PX projects in China, we should work out solutions based on the principles of equality and mutual trust, mutual understanding and full communication so as to replace the one-way orders with teamwork and achieve a balance of interests among all parties Truly effective and efficient pursuit of the pursuit of the public interest to maximize, rather than self-interest.
Siemens will in den kommenden zwei Jahren insgesamt 310 MillionenDollar in die Erweiterung der Handy-Produktion in Shanghai sowie inden Ausbau von Forschungszen
In This Article,the writer focus on an over-all analysis of the present situation of the students’ reading activities in junior middle school in the countrysid
“国家退耕还林总的政策不会变, 补助的数量和标准没有减。”国务院西部办有关负责人最近表示,要让农民吃下“定心丸”,以保护农民实施退耕还林的积极性。 “The state’s o