
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwjnb2009888
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The purpose of this study was to investigate age- specific spontaneous fetal loss rates of pregnancies without known chromosomal or structural abnormalities from mid- second trimester onward. The study consisted of 264,653 women screened between October 1995 and September 2000 with available pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancies associated with fetal chromosomal or structural abnormalities, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, and multiple pregnancies were excluded. Spontaneous fetal losses at or after 15 weeks of gestation were identified. Women were grouped according to maternal age at expected date of delivery. Spontaneous fetal loss rates in each group were evaluated after adjusting fetal losses associated with amniocentesis and identifiable ethnic groups. Fetal loss rates increased in both younger and older women. The lowest rate was seen in women at mid- 20s. Compared with Caucasian and Asian women, black women had higher fetal loss rate at nearly every age group. The results of the study provided a baseline agespecific spontaneous fetal loss rate of pregnancies at a specified gestational window. The purpose of this study was to investigate age- specific spontaneous fetal loss rates of pregnancies without known chromosomal or structural abnormalities from mid- second trimester onward. The study consisted of 264,653 women screened between October 1995 and September 2000 with available pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancies associated with fetal chromosomal or structural abnormalities, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, and multiple pregnancies were excluded. Spontaneous fetal losses rates in or after 15 weeks of gestation were identified. Women were grouped according to maternal age at expected date of delivery. group were evaluated after adjusting fetal losses associated with amniocentesis and identifiable ethnic groups. Fetal loss rates increased in younger and older women. The lowest rate was seen in women at mid- 20s. Compared with Caucasian and Asian women, black women had higher fetal loss rate at nearly every age group. The results of the st udy provided a baseline maypecific spontaneous fetal loss rate of pregnancies at a specified gestational window.
儿童期所患的糖尿病绝大多数为胰岛依赖型糖尿病(Ⅰ型),个别也有属于肥胖型(Ⅱ型)糖尿病的儿童。本文主要谈Ⅰ型糖尿病儿童的膳食治疗。 The vast majority of childhood d
儿童佝偻病(俗称“缺钙”)的防治应抓小抓早,并采取综合防治措施。大力提倡母乳喂养和晒太阳,冬春季或体弱多病儿童应投给 VD。维生素 D 的补充应自生后2周开始,3个月及时添