
来源 :中国信用卡 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiyiweiwei
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说起来我可是个资深信用卡用户了。记得还是在上一个世纪的90年代初期,当时我们国家仅有几家大银行发行了信用卡,在国内并不普及,老百姓对它还不是很熟悉。我虽然思维比较“新潮”,但也并没有切身感受到在日常生活中有使用信用卡的必要和意愿。一天,在中国银行总行就职的妻子回家告诉我,他们中行给本行的员工发了长城卡,也叫员工卡,同时可以为家属申领附属卡,问我要不要。我问有什么条件要求吗,答曰:“没有,只要申领即可。”那当然要了,何乐而不为?用不用的无所谓,起码我也可以出去“抖一抖派”了,当下即拍板定案。于是乎,过了不久,我就开始与妻子“有福同享”她的工资了。 Speaking, I’m a senior credit card user. I remember still in the early 1990s, when our country was only a few big banks issued a credit card, is not popular in the country, people are not very familiar with it. Although I think more “trendy”, but I did not personally feel the need to use credit card in their daily lives and wishes. One day, his wife, who was employed by the Bank of China head office, came home and told me that they had issued a Great Wall Card, also called Employee Card, to their staff and applied for a dependency card for their families to ask if they wanted to. I asked what conditions require it, said: “No, as long as the application can be.” Of course, why not use it does not matter, at least I can go out, The moment is finalized. Ever since then, I started to “blessed” her salary with her wife.
在Mooi的研究中发现了3个百日咳毒素(PT)S1亚单位亚型(S1A、S1B和S1D)和3个百日咳69kDa蛋白(PRN)亚型(PRNA、PRNB和PRNC)。作者对从法国和德国分离的百日咳杆菌的PTS1亚单位和PRN的结构基因进行了序列分析。结果发现法 Three Pertus
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非洲李 Prunus africana 树皮的氯仿提取物(V-1326)用于缓解良性前列腺增生继 A chloroform extract (V-1326) from the bark of African Prunus africana is used to reli
目的 :探讨中药制剂抑瘤宝对恶性肿瘤的作用。方法 :将 Hep瘤细胞接种于昆明种小鼠皮下 ,通过灌胃 ,两组给予抑瘤宝。用免疫组化检测肿瘤组织的 p16、 C- erb B- 2、 p5 3、
慢性乙型肝炎是危害人民健康极为常见的传染病之一 ,其临床症状主要表现为乏力、纳差、腹胀、肝区不适等 ,一般病程较长 ,经常或反复出现症状 ,与肝硬化、原发性肝细胞癌的发
笔者采用民间方药炼脂砂枣油膏 ,以外病内治的方法治疗疥样脓窠疮 ,疗效满意 ,现介绍如下。治疗方法取大枣 1 2 0 0 g、猪脂 60 0 g、黄砂糖 2 4 0 g。先将猪油炼出 ,再将去
2 Innervationofthemedialepicondylarmuscles :ananatomicstudyin 5 0casesC .Chantelot,C .Feugas ,P .Guillem ,etal.5 0例标本上内侧髁上肌神经支配的解剖学研究正中神经的 2 Innervationofthemedialepicondylarmuscles: ananatomicstudyin 5 0casesC. Chantelot, C.
Standards, an essential technical foundation for improving economic development, social progress and human life in every country as well as an important basis f