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苏联乌兹别克一个科学家小组曾在蒂恩山发现六百棵苹果树,它们的果实非常大,味道也很鲜美,奇怪的是,这六百棵苹果树上结的苹果大小一样,颜色也一样。经过考察才发现,这六百棵树竟是从同一树根上长起来的!于是人们设想,能不能够培养出一种蔬菜,让它一个根上也能够长出许许多多植株来。现在,科学家们正在研究这个问题,比如采用植物激素便是一例。植物激素是新陈代谢的产物,它在体内含量虽极微小,但是生理活性很强,对生长发育起着重要的调节作用。 1.生长激素,生长素能促进植物生长和发育,在一定范围内,表现为生长素含量增加,器官生长的速度也增加。如果超过一定浓度就会转化为它的反面,抑制器官的生长,甚至造成植物的死亡。 A group of scientists from Uzbekistan, the Soviet Union, once found 600 apple trees on the hill of Thien. Their fruits are very large and delicious. Strangely enough, the apples on the six hundred apple trees are the same size and the same color. After examination, I discovered that these six hundred trees grew up from the same root. So people envisioned being able to cultivate a vegetable so that it could grow many plants from one root to the other. Now, scientists are studying this issue, such as the use of plant hormones is one example. Plant hormone is the product of metabolism, although it is very small in vivo content, but strong physiological activity, plays an important regulatory role in the growth and development. Growth hormone, auxin can promote plant growth and development, in a certain range, the performance of the growth hormone content increased, organ growth rate also increased. If more than a certain concentration will be transformed into its negative, inhibit the growth of organs, and even cause plant death.
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Reinstallation of mobile jack-up rigs next to existing footprints is a problematic operation because the spudcan located near the footprints is subjected to ecc
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