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10月27日,交通运输部副部长冯正霖主持召开电视电话会议,研究加快推进全国高速公路ETC(电子不停车收费)联网工作。冯正霖强调,各省市要按照马凯副总理在山东调研时对ETC联网工作的要求,狠抓落实,再接再厉,确保今年年底1 4个省市巨TC联网目标顺利实现。冯正霖在听取了路网中心和14个省市ETC联网工作进展情况汇报后指出,目前,各项工作按照既定计划有力有序推进,阶段性地完成了ETC车道升级改造、部省两级清分结算系统建设完善、联网测试等工程任务和客户服务体系建设,成立了收费公路联网结算管理中心、ETC联网管委会,制定了工作章程和联网运营与服务规范,为 On October 27, Feng Zhenglin, vice minister of transportation, chaired a videophone conference to study how to speed up the ETC (e-toll collection) network work of the National Expressway. Feng Zhenglin stressed: All provinces and municipalities should follow the requirements of the MTC Vice President Ma Kai’s work on ETC networking during his investigation in Shandong, make great efforts to implement it and make persistent efforts to ensure the smooth implementation of the giant TC network in 14 provinces and municipalities by the end of this year. After hearing the progress of the road network center and ETC networking in 14 provinces and cities, Feng Zhenglin pointed out that at present, all work has been vigorously and orderly promoted in accordance with the established plan and the ETC lane upgrade and reconstruction have been completed in phases. Clearing system construction, network testing and other engineering tasks and customer service system, set up a toll road network settlement management center, ETC network management committee, worked out the rules and network operations and service specifications for
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