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通过测定2种不同施锌和施铜水平下苗木和离体菌丝中铜锌含量,研究了接种外生菌根(Suillusbovinus)对欧洲赤松(Pi-nussylvestris)苗生长和微量元素积累和分配的影响. 结果表明,菌丝的侵染增加了苗木生长,同时也增加了植物体内重金属的含量.然而,菌根植物中的重金属大部分分布在根部,在铜处理中菌根植物地下部分的铜含量是无菌根植物的2.6倍,在锌处理中锌是无菌根植物的1.3 倍. 说明菌丝侵染使植物将过量的重金属滞留在根部,从而增加了植物对过量重金属的抗性.通过进一步测定培养在过量重金属中的离体菌丝的重金属含量,结果显示随着外界重金属浓度的增加,菌丝分泌物内重金属含量比菌丝内重金属含量增加快,说明滞留在根部的重金属可能并没有进入根系而是以某种形态滞留在菌丝分泌物和菌丝内. The effects of Suillus bovinus on the growth and the accumulation and distribution of trace elements in the seedlings of Pinus elliottii (Pi-nussylvestris) were studied by measuring the contents of copper and zinc in the seedlings and in vitro mycelia of two different Zn and Cu treatments. influences. The results showed that mycelium infection increased seedling growth, but also increased the content of heavy metals in plants. However, most of the heavy metals in mycorrhizal plants are distributed in the roots, and the copper content in the underground parts of mycorrhizal plants is 2.6 times that of the non-mycorrhizal plants in copper treatment and zinc is the non-mycorrhizal plant in the zinc treatment. 3 times. It indicates that mycelial infection causes plants to leave excessive amounts of heavy metals in the roots, thus increasing the plant’s resistance to excessive heavy metals. The results showed that the contents of heavy metals in mycelial secretions increased faster than the contents of heavy metals in mycelium with the increase of concentration of heavy metals in the exopolysaccharides, Did not enter the root but retained in some form in mycelial secretions and mycelium.
美国当代翻译理论家奈达 (E.A.Nida)曾给翻译下了一个定义。他说;“所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息。”在这段话中,奈达提出
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<正> 西方对英语阅读过程的研究已有百多年历史。早在1885年卡特尔(Cattell)就进行了字母与单词辨认的研究。1908年休伊(Huey)探讨了阅读中的意象问题。与此同时巴斯韦尔(Bus
Antiretroviral therapy has markedly reduced acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related deaths and opportunistic infectious diseases.This has resulted in prolon