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上映仅仅两周,迪土尼动画大作《疯狂动物城》就疯狂“肆虐”春季档的北美院线,轻松蝉联了北美周末票房冠军。在中国,这部电影更是斩获了15亿元人民币的票房,创下了新的纪录。很多人都说通过影片,他们看到了梦想和坚持的力量。兔子朱迪从小就梦想成为动物城的警察,尽管身边所有人都觉得兔子不可能当上警察。为了打破“兔子当不了警察”的成见,实现自己的梦想,朱迪勤奋不辍、奋勇直追,虽然一路上碰到很多坎坷,但她从不服输、不忘初心,最终朱迪破获重大 In just two weeks, the North American cinema chain of the Mad Men’s Madness “Crazy Animals” is just two weeks away. The North American weekend box office champion easily won the championship. In China, the film also won a box office of 1.5 billion yuan, setting a new record. Many people say that through the videos, they have seen the power of dreams and perseverance. Judy Rabbit Judy dreams of becoming an animal city police since childhood, though all around him feel the rabbit can not be a cop. In order to break the “rabbit can not be the police” prejudices and realize their dreams, Judy diligently, courageously catching up, though encountered many ups and downs along the way, but she never give in, never forget the beginning, finally Judy broken major
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The technical renovation project at Yunnan TinCo. Ltd. is running smoothly, according to anindustry report. The project with Ausmelt tech-nology was initiated
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目的 :分析腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,以免误诊、误治。方法 :对山东省莱阳中心医院 2 0年间收治的 12例腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,进行回顾性分析。结果
作者曹汉生汪 雷等王 筠李晓南等杨光唐亚新等钱国祥苏少航朱荣海等周莉英等余城德陈广宏张 宏李 博陈震霖等倪健能盛建文等杨双平耿。钻徐海英刘启龙等黄建军吴士白等刘 谦