
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaaldj
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2011年,北京市西城区总工会经费审查委员会(以下简称西城区总工会经审会)按照全总和市总工作要求,以创先争优活动为契机,以工会经审工作规范化建设达标活动为载体,以组织创先进、干部争优秀、工作上水平为目标,从组织建设、制度建设、审查审计、自身建设四个方面入手,全面落实“三审”制度,重点突出实务审计,强化审计整改措施,做到依法履行经审职责、扎实开展各项工作,切实加强了全区各级经审组织的规范化建设,在全区工会工作大局中发挥了积极作用。一、以区划调整为契机,进一步加强经审组织建设 In 2011, the Xicheng District Federation of Trade Unions’ Funding Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Xicheng District Federation of Trade Unions) conducted the activity of standardizing excellent activities in accordance with the general work requirements of the general government and the municipal government, The carrier aims to achieve organizational excellence, cadres’ outstanding performance and work ability. We will implement the system of “third instance” from the following four aspects: organizational construction, system construction, auditing and auditing, and self-construction, with a focus on substantive auditing and strengthening Audited the rectification measures and fulfilled their duties as auditors according to law, carried out all work in a down-to-earth manner, and earnestly strengthened the standardization of the audited organizations at all levels in the region and played an active role in the work of trade unions throughout the region. First, take the adjustment of zoning as an opportunity to further strengthen the construction of the audited organizations
“心脏的癌症”  心衰是高血压、冠心病、风心病、心肌病、先心病等各种心血管疾病的末期阶段,也是心血管事件链中的最终环节。全球大约有3800万心衰患者,我国有450万心衰患者,随着人口的老龄化,这一数字还在上升。在过去30年中,尽管心衰的诊治取得了许多进展,但其病死率依然很高,5年存活率与恶性肿瘤相仿。我国心衰患者的住院数量占同期心血管疾病的20%,但死亡数量却占40%。心衰的生存率甚至低于许多恶性
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The thermal decomposition behaviour of europium p-chlorobenzoate complex with l, 10-phenanthroline and its kinetics were studied in nitrogen by non-isothermal t
南京电子器件研究所近期研制出一款Ku波段氮化镓(GaN)功率模块,该模块是基于本所的0.25μm 101.6 mm GaN工艺制作的Ku波段16 W功放单片,采用同样的2路功分/功合结构作为输入