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时代构筑历史,历史呈现起伏。跨越了近200年的历史低谷,中华民族正在走向自己的又一高峰。伟大时代的序幕已经拉开! 自炎黄诸祖创造华夏文明以来,悠悠五千年的中华史,峰谷相间,盛衰轮回。如果说大唐盛世乃中华民族之历史峰巅,那么,康乾以后近百余年的苦难岁月无疑是中华民族的历史谷底。 漫漫百余年,屈辱与血泪交加,忧患与抗争并存,民族劫难莫过于此!然而,这却是历史的必然。中国的封建社会诞生于春秋战国末期,历经强秦、雄汉,在盛唐达到高潮,尔后以弱宋为转折,逐渐走向衰落,到了晚清已是高龄2000岁,老态龙钟,腐朽之极。与此同时,作为典型的农耕民族,在我国延续了数千年的传统农业文明也由生而盛至衰。封建制度的老朽和传统文明的衰落无疑昭示着:此时的中华民族已站在了历史的重大转折点上。能否实现转变对应着两种命运:或生,或死。然 Time to build history, history has ups and downs. Across the nearly 200-year history of the trough, the Chinese nation is moving to another peak. The prelude to the great era has been opened! Since the establishment of the Huaxia civilization by the Yanhuang Zhuzu, the five thousand years of Chinese history, with peaks and valleys alternating between prosperity and failure, have reincarnated. If the prosperity of Datang is the peak of the history of the Chinese nation, then the years of hardship over the past 100 years after Kanggan will undoubtedly be the trough of history of the Chinese nation. Over a long period of time, humiliation and blood and tears have been added, and there are both fears and protests. There is no national catastrophe! However, this is a historical necessity. The feudal society in China was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. After the strong Qin and the Han dynasties reached its climax in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the feudal society began to decline from the weak Song Dynasty to the late 2000s. In the meantime, as a typical farming nation, the traditional agricultural civilization that lasted for thousands of years in our country also flourished from birth to decline. The decrepitude of feudalism and the decline of traditional civilization undoubtedly show that the Chinese nation has now stood at a major turning point in history. Whether or not we can achieve change corresponds to two fates: live or die. Of course
Ordered Co/Cu multilayer nanowire arrays have been fabricated into anodic aluminium oxide templates with Ag and Cu substrate by direct current electrodeposition