Electronic structures and optical properties of Zn-dopedβ-Ga_2O_3 with different doping sites

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tzxue
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The electronic structures and optical properties of intrinsicβ-Ga_2O_3 and Zn-dopedβ-Ga_2O_3 are investigated by first-principles calculations.The analysis about the thermal stability shows that Zn-dopedβ-Ga_2O_3 remains stable. The Zn doping does not change the basic electronic structure ofβ-Ga_2O_3,but only generates an empty energy level above the maximum of the valence band,which is shallow enough to make the Zn-dopedβ-Ga_2O_3 a typical p-type semiconductor.Because of Zn doping,absorption and reflectivity are enhanced in the near infrared region.The higher absorption and reflectivity of Zn_(Ca(2)) than those of Zn_(Ca(1))are due to more empty energy states of Zn_(Ca(2))than those of Zn_(Ca(1)) near E_f in the near infrared region. The electronic structures and optical properties of intrinsic β-Ga 2 O 3 and Zn-doped β-Ga 2 O 3 are investigated by first-principles calculations. The analysis about the thermal stability shows that Zn-doped β-Ga 2 O 3 remains stable. The Zn doping does not change the basic electronic structure of β-Ga 2 O 3, but only only an empty energy level above the maximum of the valence band, which is shallow enough to make the Zn-doped β-Ga 2 O 3 a typical p-type semiconductor.Because of Zn doping, absorption and reflectivity are enhanced in the (Ca (2)) than those of Zn_ (Ca (1)) due due to more empty energy states of Zn_ (Ca (2)) than those of Zn_ (Ca )) near E_f in the near infrared region.
不管是哪个流派的作品,只要喜欢的,她都会反复研习,细心揣摩。在她看来,多借鉴、吸收各个流派的特点对青年演员的发展是有好处的  郑岚是中国评剧界一颗冉冉升起的新星。1981年,她出生在哈尔滨一个梨园世家,自幼喜爱评剧。1993年考入天津戏曲学校。1998年,年仅17岁的郑岚主演《李三娘》名声大噪,轰动整个评剧界。2002年进入中国评剧院工青衣、闺门旦行当,曾先后主演过《包公梦蝶》《樊梨花斩子》《白蛇
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