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不久前,我们应南斯拉夫《国际政策》主编佩特科维奇的邀请,到这个多山多湖的秀丽之国访问了7天。我们从东到西、从南到北穿越了这片妩媚的国土。贝尔格莱德人充满自信,在大街上疾步走过,餐厅里坐满了顾客,商店女服务员殷勤地问你要些什么。消息灵通的萨格勒布人可以滔滔地向你分析世界上的政治经济形势。亚得里亚海的游人如织,不少人躺在沙滩上享受着沐浴阳光的乐趣。高速公路上奔驰着来自法国、意大利、希腊、奥地利、匈牙利甚至土耳其的旅游车。这片近26万平方公里的土地上洋溢着生气勃勃、自豪乐观的情绪,加之南斯拉夫人火一般的性格,使我们格外兴奋起来。尽管主人殷勤的款待使我们有点不好意思,但南斯拉夫各界朋友,南斯拉夫国家通讯社社长、外交部司长、大报总编辑、出版社总经理、电视台台长都异口同声地向我们表示 Not long ago, at the invitation of Petrkovich, the editor-in-chief of Yugoslavia’s “International Policy,” we visited this beautiful country of many mountains and lakes for 7 days. We traveled from east to west and across the charming land from south to north. Belgrade full of confidence, walked slowly in the street, filled with customers in the restaurant, shop waitress asked attentively what you want. The well-informed Zagreb can emancipate you from the analysis of the political and economic situation in the world. Adriatic tourists such as weaving, many people lying on the beach and enjoy the sun bathing fun. Motor coaches on the highway run from France, Italy, Greece, Austria, Hungary and even Turkey. We are particularly excited about the vibrant, proud and optimistic mood of the nearly 260,000 square kilometers of land, combined with the fire of the Yugoslavs. Despite all the gracious hospitality of our hosts, we are a bit embarrassed, but friends from Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia’s president of the National News Agency, director of the Foreign Affairs Department, chief editor of the newspaper, general manager of the publishing house and director of the television station all expressed us in unison
第四代 IP多媒体通信技术日前被武汉大学成功攻克 ,从而使我国成为世界上少数几个全面掌握第四代 IP多媒体通信技术平台核心技术的国家之一。此前 ,基于电视广播技术交换、电
据国家统计局最新统计,今年前两个月,全国商品房销售继续保持上升势头,共销售建筑面积378万平方米,比去年同期增长37.5%,其中居民个人购房增长39.5%。 According to the late