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随着社会生产科学技术的发展,社会对人材“能力”的要求越来越突出.学校教育要从以往“知识型”教育转变为“知识——技能——能力型”教育.关于中学化学教学应该培养哪些能力这个问题,众说纷纭.有观察能力、思维能力、自学能力、实验操作能力、想象能力、创造能力等等十几种观点.苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“如果说复习是学习之母,那么观察就是思考和认识之母.”观察能力是形成其它能力的基础和前提,观察是获取科学知识的首要步骤.经验证明,观察力强的学生,一般对事物的感知迅速、准确、完整、善于抓住客观事物最主要的最基本的因素,在单位时间内观察到的事物多,表现在学习上,积累的知识丰富.而观察力差的学生,往往对事物感知迟缓,有的甚至视而不见,听而不闻.表现在学习上,成绩较差.可见培养学生观察能力是关系到学生的学习和将来从事创造性劳动、科学研究、工作水平的重要问题.从这个角度来看,培养观察能力的意义是非常重大而深远的.因此,发展和培养学生的观察能力是教学中必须完成的重要任务之一. With the development of science and technology in social production, the society has become more and more prominent on the requirement of “ability” of personnel. School education needs to be transformed from “knowledge-based” education into “knowledge-skill-capable” education. What kind of ability should be nurtured this issue, divergent opinions, observation, thinking, self-learning, experimental skills, imagination, ability to create more than a dozen ideas.Suhomlinski once said: “If the review is The mother of learning, then the observation is the mother of thinking and understanding. ”Observation is the basis for the formation of other capabilities and preconditions, observation is the first step in access to scientific knowledge.Experience has shown that observation of students, the general perception of things quickly, Accurate and complete, good at seizing the most important objective factors of the most fundamental factors observed in the unit time and more things, learning, the accumulation of knowledge-rich.While students with poor observation, things are often slow perception, Some even turned a blind eye, but did not hear, manifested in learning, poor performance, showing that the cultivation of students ’observation ability is related to the students’ learning and future In this perspective, the significance of developing observational skills is very significant and far-reaching.Therefore, the development and training of students’ observational skills is one of the important tasks that must be accomplished in teaching .
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