Exfoliated sodium-montmorillonite in nitrile butadiene rubber nanocomposites with good properties

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyjoey
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We prepared and utilized a novel ultrafine fully-vulcanized powder nitrile butadiene rubber (UFPNBR)/ sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) nanocompound powder, in which nanoscale UFPNBR particles and nanoscale platelets of Na-MMT were isolated and stuck each other. When the UFPNBR/Na-MMT nano-compoud powder was mixed with crude nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), UFPNBR particles could be easily dispersed in NBR matrix because of good compatibility, and nanoscale Na-MMT was also dis-persed well in NBR matrix due to the carrier aidance of UFPNBR particle, thus the NBR/UFPNBR/Na- MMT ternary nanocomposites adapting to industry was fabricated. X-ray diffraction test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation indicated that nanoscale Na-MMT was dispersed well in NBR matrix. Compared with NBR/Na-MMT binary composites, NBR/UFPNBR/Na-MMT ternary nanocompo-sites have shorter vulcanization time and higher flame retardancy due to the exfoliated Na-MMT in NBR matrix. We prepared and utilized a novel ultrafine fully-vulcanized powder nitrile butadiene rubber (UFPNBR) / sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) nanocompound powder, in which nanoscale UFPNBR particles and nanoscale platelets of isolated and stuck each other. When the UFPNBR / Na-MMT nano-compoud powder was mixed with crude nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), UFPNBR particles could be easily dispersed in NBR matrix because of good compatibility, and nanoscale Na-MMT was also dis-persed well in NBR matrix due to the carrier aidance of UFPNBR particle, thus the NBR / UFPNBR / Na- MMT ternary nanocomposites adapting to industry was fabricated. X-ray diffraction test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation indicated that nanoscale Na-MMT was well well in NBR matrix. with NBR / Na-MMT binary composites, NBR / UFPNBR / Na-MMT ternary nanocompo-sites have a shorter vulcanization time and higher flame retardancy due to the exfoliated Na-MMT in NBR matrix.
目前,客车行业骨架蒙皮的焊接技术大多数主要采用铁板对接形式,这样在板 材之间会形成缝隙,在涂装过程中,钣金车需要磷化处理或有水磨工序,焊缝处水未烘干或 其他原因导致焊缝处涂
目的观察单纯性肥胖症儿童运动训练前、后血管内皮分泌功能,氧化低密度脂蛋白,体重改变的特点.方法收集8~14岁单纯性肥胖症儿童30例(肥胖组),正常儿童30例(对照组).肥胖组进行为期8周、每周5 d、每天1 h的运动训练,测定其运动训练前、后的内皮素(ET)、6-酮前列环素(6-K-PG¨α)、一氧化氮(NO)、氧化低密度脂蛋白(OX-LDL)及体重;测定对照组儿童的内皮素(ET)、6-酮前列环素
为了解血清TNF_α和IL_10的水平与新生儿感染状态和预后的关系 ,将2000年1月~2002年1月新生儿病房收治的足月儿207例 ,分为败血症组82例 ,一般感染组98例 ,非感染组27例 ,用EL