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小儿脾常不足,所患脾胃病多;又谓肝常有余,易于化火生风。夫脾为柔脏,不耐(片戈)伐;肝为刚脏,恃强凌弱,土虚木贼之证候在儿科颇为常见。故善于调理脾胃者,非惟脾病治脾,胃病治胃,而必安和五脏。肝脾不和,治在平肝调脾,扶土抑木。兹就常见之小儿脾胃病证,略陈脾病治肝法则之一二,以示管见。腹痛治肝解痉缓急胃脘以下,脐之两旁,至耻骨以上疼痛,谓之腹痛。脾居大腹,为至阴之脏。或为寒邪所中,或为乳食所伤,或因络脉痹阻,气机阻滞不通,则发为疼痛。腹痛多从寒凝、积滞、虚寒、淤血论治。但是,肝脾不和,亦作腹痛,王肯堂、夏禹铸等前辈医家均曾论及。《幼科铁镜·辨 Pediatric spleen is often inadequate, suffering from spleen and stomach disease; also said that the liver is often more than easy to change the fire wind. The spleen is a soft, impatience (Pan Ge) cut; the liver is just dirty, strong bully, and the syndrome of the Edo thief is quite common in pediatrics. Therefore, those who are good at regulating the spleen and stomach, not only the spleen, spleen, spleen, stomach cure stomach, and must be safe and five internal organs. Liver and spleen do not, rule in the liver and spleen, help soil inhibit wood. Hereby, I would like to point out some common symptoms of spleen and stomach syndrome in children and one of the two methods for the treatment of spleen diseases. Abdominal pain treatment of liver phlegm palliative diarrhea below the stomach, both sides of the umbilical, to the pubic pain, the abdominal pain. The spleen lives on a large belly and is dirty to the shade. If it is in cold pathogens, or if it is eaten by milk, or if the collaterals are blocked, if the airway is blocked, then it will be painful. Abdominal pain is mostly treated by cold coagulation, stagnation, cold, and congestion. However, the liver and spleen do not agree, but also for abdominal pain, Wang Ken Tang, Xia Yizhu and other older medical experts have talked about. "Children’s iron mirror identification
雷公藤(Tripterygium wilferdii Hook. f),又名黄藤、菜虫药、断肠草,系卫矛科雷公藤属植物。在我国主要分布于长江流域以南各省、自治区及西南地区。主要植物形态木质藤本,
欧洲标准具有自愿的性质 (有关安全要求的标准除外 ) ,但实际上却往往相反。根据 1 95 7年 3月 2 5日制定的“罗马和约”第 1 0 0款 ,欧共体及该组织成员国的权力机构都必须
从中药九节菖蒲(Anemone altaica)中分离得到两种结晶性化合物,经光谱鉴定分别为5-羟基乙酰丙酸和银莲花素(Anemonin)。药材购于兰州药材站(产地:天水),经兰大生物系张国梁
本文介绍了利用黑龙江省五常县产甜叶菊提取优质甜味剂甜菊苷的新方法。该工艺简单、收率高,粗品的收率在20%左右,精品的收率在15%左右。 This article describes a new met