Protective Effect of Mycophenolate Mofetil(MMF) Against Short-term Acute Rejection of Kidney Transpl

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RSH1987
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To observe the protective effect of MMF against short term(3 months) acute rejection of renal transplantion. 112 patients undergone renal transplantation were randomly divided into two groups: MMF group (2.0 g/d) and azathioprine group. Patients in both groups received cyclosporine A (CsA) and steroid hormone treatment in the same way. In three months time, 10/60 cases in the MMF treated group showed acute rejection with an acute rejection rate of 16.6%. 22/52 patients of the AZA group had acute rejection with a rejection rate of 41.5%. The difference between the two groups is significant (P<0 01). Side effects manifested in MMF group includereduction of blood white cell count and platelet count (5 cases) and diarrhea (3 cases). They resume recovery after reduction of the dosage of or stoppage of MMF. Both hepatic renal functions are not affected. In AZA group, liver function is damaged in 9 patients. MMF is effective in the prevention or reduction of short term acute rejection of transplants. Its side effects are mild and reversible. To observe the protective effect of MMF against short term (3 months) acute rejection of renal transplantion. 112 patients undergone renal transplantation randomly divided into two groups: MMF group (2.0 g / d) and azathioprine group. Patients in both groups received cyclosporine A (CsA) and steroid hormone treatment in the same way. In three months time, 10/60 cases in the MMF treated group showed acute rejection with an acute rejection rate of 16.6%. 22/52 patients of the AZA group had acute rejection with a rejection rate of 41.5%. The difference between the two groups is significant (P <0.01). Side effects manifested in MMF group includereduction of blood white cell count and platelet count (5 cases) and diarrhea (3 cases). resume recovery after reduction of the dosage of or stoppage of MMF. Both hepatic renal functions are not affected. In AZA group, liver function is damaged in 9 patients. MMF is effective in the prevention or reduction of short term acute rejection of transplants. Its side effects are mild and reversible.
2010年8月初,著名主持人崔永元宣布其历时3年制作的大型历史纪录片《我的抗战》在搜狐网独家开播。在发布会准备期间,崔永元多次邀请导演姜文前来捧场,为《我的抗战》打气。此时,姜文正忙于拍摄电影《让子弹飞》,一时抽不出时间,不得不多次推辞。  崔永元和姜文是河北唐山老乡,又是多年的朋友,多次邀请姜文都遭到拒绝,崔永元的一些朋友都责怪姜文没情义,不够朋友,甚至有的还劝崔永元去责问姜文。  在发布会的前