
来源 :浙江树人大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmm870811
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浙江是市场经济先发地区,也是市场大省,全省专业市场的数量和商品成交总额历年来在全国名列前茅。当前,商品专业市场如何适应市场业态提升需要,规范发展电子商务,最大限度地防范和控制网上交易风险,节约物流成本和信息成本,扩大市场交易空间,推动浙江经济又快又好地发展,是一个值得探讨的问题。值此国务院《期货交易市场管理条例》公布实施之际,浙江省工商局、浙江省市场协会在杭州联合召开“专业市场网上交易规范发展研讨会”(2007年4月13日至14日)。有关高校、科研单位、政府机关、重点市场的12位专家应邀出席会议。专家们围绕网上交易这个主题,阐述电子商务法津法规精神,分析浙江专业市场网上交易的现状和面临的问题,同时着重提出了规范发展网上交易的具体建议。这对扩大交易空间,增加商品流通,促进浙江经济持续、平稳、健康发展是十分有益的。为此,本刊按研讨会发言的顺序登载专家们的发言摘要,供市场管理和市场经营人员参考。 Zhejiang is a pioneer in market economy and a big market in the province. The total number of specialized markets and the total turnover of goods in the province have been among the best in the country over the years. At present, how to adapt the professional market to market needs to enhance the format, standardize the development of e-commerce, to maximize the prevention and control of online trading risks, logistics and information costs savings, expanding market trading space to promote the rapid and sound development of Zhejiang economy is A question worth exploring. On the occasion of the promulgation of the “Regulations of the State Council on the Administration of Futures Markets”, Zhejiang Provincial Trade and Industry Bureau and Zhejiang Market Association jointly held the “Symposium on the Development of Specification Trading in Professional Markets” (Hangzhou, April 13 to April 14, 2007) ). Twelve experts on universities, research institutes, government agencies and key markets were invited to attend the conference. Experts focus on the theme of online trading, elaborating the spirit of laws and regulations of e-commerce, analyzing the status quo and problems of online trading in the Zhejiang professional market, and putting forward specific proposals for standardizing the development of online transactions. This is very beneficial to expanding the trading space, increasing the circulation of commodities and promoting the sustained, steady and healthy development of Zhejiang’s economy. To this end, the magazine published in accordance with the order of the seminar speeches abstract summary of experts for market management and market management staff reference.
便秘是一种常见病 ,由于老年人特殊的体质关系 ,临床上老年便秘比较多见。自拟养血益气通便汤治疗老年性便秘46例 ,疗效较好 ,报告如下。1临床资料46例均为60岁以上老人 ,其中男性28例
展期:2010年1月23日至3月7日地点:奥莎观塘(OSAGE KWUN TONG)香港九龙观塘鸿图道73-75号建大工业大厦5楼策展人:比利安娜·思瑞克与王佩琴(BILJANA CIRICAND KHIM ONG)几十年
1 材料1.1动物 健康豚鼠32只,雄性,体重350~450g。购自同济医科大学动物学部。1.2药物 扶正化痰合剂(2g/ml)由湖北中医学院附院药剂科制备;异丙肾上腺素(50μg/ml),北京制药厂生产:氯化乙酰胆碱(100μg/ml),Sigma公司提供 1 Mater
近两年,“猝死”的年轻化,白领人群猝死个案的上升,引起了人们关注。 猝死:沉默中突然爆发 猝死作为一种死亡特征,其渊源主要在心脑血管疾病,尤其是冠状动脉型心脏病。 为什
有关生姜对人体胆囊运动的影响 ,迄今尚未见文献报告。考虑到生姜可影响前列腺素 (PGs)的生物合成 ,即抑制血栓素A2 (TXA2 )的合成和促进PGI2 的合成[1] ,而PGs与胆囊运动密切相关[2 ] ,因