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安徽泾县的胡正明朋友告诉我们:一天,妻子在集 镇上为女儿买了一本《小小故事会》,目录中第六个故 事《奇怪的辨论》,“辨”乃辩,是一个别字。这本21页 3.8元的书,目录中101个字,别字一个,拼音拼错一 处,页码数字错一处,另有一处拼音和一个汉字模糊不 清。该书目录有22个小故事,实际只收录了10个故 事,目录与内容不相符。此书条码模糊不清,是典型的 盗版物。这类书在农村集镇的电话亭、书摊上随处可 见。这本盗版的《小小故事会》,错误率高达1.9%,有一 篇故事错误率竟达9.3%。由于好奇,我又检查了10本 儿童读物,发现3本有明显错误,有的目录中有书中没 有,有的故事人物不符,这种状况实令家长担忧。 Hu Zhengming from Jing County in Anhui Province told us: One day, his wife bought a “Little Story” for her daughter in the market town. The sixth story in the catalog, “Strange Argument,” “Discrimination” Is a word. The 21 pages of 3.8 yuan of books, 101 words in the directory, a word, spelling the wrong place, the wrong page number, and a pinyin and a Chinese character ambiguous. The book catalog has 22 stories, the actual collection of only 10 stories, content and content does not match. This book bar code obscure, is a typical piracy. These books are found everywhere in telephone booths and bookstores in rural towns. The piracy “little story”, the error rate as high as 1.9%, a story error rate as high as 9.3%. As a result of curiosity, I checked 10 children’s books and found that there were three notable errors. Some of the books in the catalog did not, and some of the stories did not match. This situation actually caused parents’ worries.
目的 :控制清肠合剂的质量。方法 :采用薄层色谱法对方中的枳壳、大黄进行鉴别 ,并以薄层扫描法对主药中的大黄素进行定量。结果 :鉴别项下的阴性对照无干扰 ,方法专属性强 ;
国际音乐界瞩目的国际重大音乐赛事——“第12届柴可夫斯基国际音乐比赛”将于2002年6月在俄罗斯首都莫斯科举行。届时,中国和各国选手将在 The international major music
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目的 :为临床提供正品巴戟天。方法 :通过药材性状性鉴别正品巴戟天以保证中医临床用药安全有效提供依据 Purpose : To provide authentic Porphyria for clinical use. Met