采取新对策 适应新体制——关于欠发达县域发展对外贸易的调查与探讨

来源 :经济社会体制比较 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FriedaCao
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在国家实行以“统一政策、平等竞争、自主经营、自负盈亏、工贸结合、推行代理制、联合统一对外”为经营总方针的新的外贸体制后,县级对外贸易工作遇到了一系列新的问题,如果不认真加以分析研究,及时采取行之有效的新对策,就会直接影响出口创汇,进而阻碍县级外向型经济的发展。对此,我们结合对射阳县外贸工作的调查,就这个问题谈些粗浅的探讨性看法。 After the state implemented a new foreign trade system operating in line with the principle of “unifying its policies, playing an equal role, running its own businesses, assuming its own profits and losses, combining trade with industry, promoting the agency system and unifying the unification of the outside world”, the county-level foreign trade work encountered a series of new problems If we do not seriously analyze and research the timely and effective new countermeasures, we will directly affect the foreign exchange earnings for export so as to hinder the development of the county-level export-oriented economy. In this regard, we combine the investigation of the foreign trade work in Sheyang County and talk a few shallow and tentative opinions on this issue.
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从时间上看,用于计算机网络的“登录”在《人民日报》最早出现是在1996年:它可为用户提供电子邮件、文件传输、远程登录等网络服务。 From the time point of view, the “l
东京专电 “日本经济景气已越过高峰,进入缓慢的增长时期。世界经济受石油价格和美国经济状况的制约,充满不安因素,减速增长也是肯定的。” 这是日本野村综合研究所董事奥村