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在往来尘世的匆匆过客眼中,阳朔只是告别漓江的驿站,对于曾把生命的片段寄存在这里的我,心中的阳朔没有终点 最早想去阳朔是因为我的朋友们称那里是“攀岩者的天堂”,而我又是一个狂热的攀岩分子。 车到阳朔是凌晨4点为了不打扰别人,我和好友娟坐在阳朔有名的“Hote In the eyes of passers-by in the eyes of the earth, Yangshuo just bid farewell to the Lijiang Inn, for the piece of life once deposited here, my heart Yangshuo did not end the earliest want to go to Yangshuo because my friends said there was “paradise for climbers ”And I am another fanatical rock climber. The car to Yangshuo is 4:00 in order not to disturb others, and my good friend Juan sitting in Yangshuo famous "Hote
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建设长江三峡工程,炎黄子孙梦寐已久,域外仁人也梦思悠悠,美国的水利博士萨凡奇就是一个。 萨凡奇是美国水利事业的“泰斗”,一生寄情于水利大坝的设计、建造。他设计建造了
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Dr. Athelstan Spilhaus, a prominent American meteorologistand oceanographer, feels that the solution to many of today’s problemsof energy, ecology, and popula
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