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  第一天,棒棒虎一家刚到上海就去了世博会中国馆“东方之冠”(Crown of the East),一睹为快并合影留念。请小朋友将单词与照片中相应的物品连线。

  上海世博会主题(Theme of Shanghai World Expo)
  上海世博会吉祥物海宝(Shanghai World Expo Mascot—— HAIBAO)寓意:“四海之宝”,以“人”为核心创意,契合上海世博会的主题。
  上海世博会会徽(Shanghai World Expo Emblem)
  中国国家馆——东方之冠(China Pavilion:Crown of the East)
  主题:东方之冠,鼎盛中华,天下粮仓,富庶百姓 ;总建筑面积:约16.01万平方米
  上海世博会志愿者(Expo 2010 Volunteer)主口号:At Your Service at EXPO世界在你眼前,我们在你身边
  第二天, 棒棒虎和爸爸妈妈一起去了上海野生动物园,发生了什么事情呢?他开心吗?先看棒棒日记
  Today I go to Shanghai Wild Animal Park with my parents. On the way, we see many things: Xupu Bridge, Huangpu River, some buses, ships and so on. The bridge is big and beautiful. We like it very much. There are some big ships on the river. In the park, we can hear some animals’ noises. They are too loud. We don’t like the noises. Now we are having a picnic on the grass. Suddenly, it is raining. So we go home. I’m not happy, because I am wet.
  () 1. I go to Shanghai Wild Animal
   Park with my friends.
  () 2. There are some small ships on
   the river.
  () 3. We are having a picnic on the grass.
  () 4. It is raining.
  () 5. I’m happy.
  At the hotel
  A: Mum, I’m hungry. Shall we go to a snack bar?
  B: OK. But ________?
  A: Let’s go ________ taxi.
  B: It’s too expensive. Shall we go by ________?
  At a bus stop
  A: Look, there’s a bus ________ there.
  B: Excuse ________,is this bus
   ________ the new snack bar?
  C: Yes, it is.
  B: Great! Let’s get on the bus.
  At a snack bar
  D: ________ I help you?
  B: ________ like a hamburger and some noodles.
  D: Something ________ drink?
  B: No, thanks. How ________ are they?
  D: Thirteen yuan, please.
  Keys:how by bus stop me for Can I’d to much
  (I’m sleeping. Then the telephone rings.)
  A: This is Bangbang. Who is that?
  B: Please help me. I have a headache, a toothache, an earache
  and abackache. Please, doctor.
  A: I’m sorry I’m not a doctor. Bye-bye.
  (I go back to my bed. Then the telephone rings again.)
  A: Hello. This is Bangbang speaking.
  B: Wow, wow. I have a high fever. I’ve got a stomach ache, too.
  A: But I’m not a doctor. You dialed the wrong number.
  B: Oh, really? Sorry.
  (I go back to my bed, but I can’t sleep. I get a bad cold. So I have to call a doctor.)
  A: Hello, Reception? I want a doctor! Please give me a right number.
  Thank you.
  1. 对话中出现的打电话用语有:
  (1)__________________ (2)__________________
  2. 对话中出现的疾病名称有:
  (1) _________ (2) _________(3) _________ (4) _________(5) _________ (6) _________(7) _________
  3. Why does the sick man ring him?
  4. Why does Bangbang want a doctor?
  This morning, I met a traveller from Wuhan at the gate of the hotel. He wanted to get to Lianhua Supermarket but didn’t know how to get there. So he asked me for help. I told him,“Go along Huiwen Road, turn left at the second crossing, you’ll get to Huzhong Road. Then go along Huzhong Road, turn right at the third crossing, you’ll find Lianhua Supermarket on your left.”
  “Is it far from here?” the man asked.
  “Not very far. It’s about one kilometre away.”
  He said, “OK.I’ll go there on foot.Thank you, good boy.”
  “You’re welcome,” I said.
  一、 根据日记回答。
  1. Is the supermarket far away from the hotel?
  2. How did the man go to the supermarket?
  二、 观察下图,A处表示the hotel,B处表示Lianhua Supermarket,

[病号1] He can plays the guitar.  [诊断] 情态动词can(should、must等)+行为动词原形。句中行为动词不因人称、时间状语而变化。  [处方] He can play the guitar.    [病号2] They would like buying some things for the party.  [诊断] would like 表示“想要”。w
在那山环水绕的小山村里,有我的母亲。她与她生长在那个时代的大多数母亲一样,不认识字。然而她总是做出连认字的母亲们也未必能做到的事情。 我们四个儿女都没见过爷爷、奶
I have a bedroom. It is not big, but it is nice. There is a bed in my bedroom. A yellow dog is on the bed. Every night, I sleep with it. Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk. I
“最后一排”是我们班的边疆,地广人稀,气候恶劣。所以“好学生”避而远之,“捣蛋鬼们”心向往之,在我还没有弄清楚自己属于哪种类型的人时,就坐在了“最后一排”。 “The