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创新是一个国家和民族进步的灵魂,创新是一个国家和民族进步的不竭动力,对学生创新能力的培养对学生本身的发展,对一个国家和民族的未来都有着极为深远的意义。高中作为一个人一生中不可或缺的必经阶段,这一阶段学习对学生能力的培养和学生在未来的发展都具有着特别的意义。文章围绕着在高中语文教学中如何实现对学生创新能力的培养等问题展开,旨在为高中语文教学的有效开展略提一点建议。 Innovation is the soul of the progress of a country and its people. Innovation is an inexhaustible motive force for the progress of a country and its nation. The training of students’ innovative abilities is of far-reaching significance to the development of the students themselves and the future of a country and nation. As an indispensable stage of high school life, learning at this stage has special significance for the cultivation of students’ abilities and the development of students in the future. The article focuses on how to realize the cultivation of students’ innovative ability in Chinese teaching in senior high schools, and so on. The article aims to provide some suggestions for the effective development of Chinese teaching in senior high schools.
由于各利益主体在公司财务治理过程中的利益不同、参与程度不同,而导致各利益主体之间的矛盾。这严重阻碍着公司的发展。本文即致力于分析与解决这一矛盾。 Due to the inte
[病号1] He can plays the guitar.  [诊断] 情态动词can(should、must等)+行为动词原形。句中行为动词不因人称、时间状语而变化。  [处方] He can play the guitar.    [病号2] They would like buying some things for the party.  [诊断] would like 表示“想要”。w
在那山环水绕的小山村里,有我的母亲。她与她生长在那个时代的大多数母亲一样,不认识字。然而她总是做出连认字的母亲们也未必能做到的事情。 我们四个儿女都没见过爷爷、奶
I have a bedroom. It is not big, but it is nice. There is a bed in my bedroom. A yellow dog is on the bed. Every night, I sleep with it. Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk. I
“最后一排”是我们班的边疆,地广人稀,气候恶劣。所以“好学生”避而远之,“捣蛋鬼们”心向往之,在我还没有弄清楚自己属于哪种类型的人时,就坐在了“最后一排”。 “The