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在林业机械、木工机械的设计、制造以及使用过程中,经常要对各种物理量进行测试。而各种数据的采集,则是测试工作的重要一环。一般来说待测的物理量,如拉力、转速、转角、温度等,多数是由各类传感器转变为电信号,而这些来自传感器的电信号又多是比较微弱的电平信号,这样就需要放大器将微弱的信号进行 In the forestry machinery, woodworking machinery design, manufacture and use of the process, often to a variety of physical testing. The collection of various data, it is an important part of the test. Generally speaking, the physical quantity to be measured, such as pulling force, rotation speed, rotation angle, temperature and so on, is mostly converted into electrical signals by various sensors, and these electrical signals from the sensors are mostly more weak level signals, thus requiring an amplifier Weak signal
Laboratory studies of HO2 uptake coefficients, γ(HO2), were conducted at room temperature using an aerosol flow tube coupled with a laser induced fluorescence
Environmental catalysis has drawn a great deal of attention due to its clean ways to produce useful chemicals or carry out some chemical processes. Photocatalys
目的:在肾肿瘤患者增强CT(computed tomography)图像上,探讨体表面积(body surface area,BSA)标化后的肾体积与肾功能的相关性。方法:34例肾肿瘤患者于术前1周内均行中腹部增
In this study, efficient sulfamethoxazole (SMX) degradation was demonstrated in a novel neutral Fered-Fenton like/oxalate (electro-Fe2+/PDS/Ox, Fered-FL/Ox) sys
我叫马云,和那个大名鼎鼎的企业家马云同名同姓,但,我现在只有11岁,是安徽省阜南县朱寨镇的一名六年级学生。别看我年龄小,我可是我们马家的CEO呢!  我们家有90岁的奶奶、在工地摔坏了脊椎的爸爸和9岁的弟弟马亚宁,当妈妈被贫穷吓倒离家出走后,我就掌管了洗衣、做饭、照顾全家人的大权。尽管这些都是小事,但要管好也有大学问。每次弟弟马亚宁缠着奶奶要吃米饭,我就会对奶奶说:“米很贵,吃米饭浪费钱。”我们家
Sail is the core part of autonomous sailboat and wing sail is a new type of sail. Wing sail generates not only propulsion but also lateral force and heeling mom
An eco-friendly protocol for the synthesis of various 2-sulfonyl quinolines/pyridines through sulfonylation of heteroaromatic N-oxides with sodium sulfinates in
“丁零零……”  “是爸爸吗?”我兴奋地冲出房间。  “不是!”妈妈头也不抬地趴在大餐桌上的笔记本前,继续忙着编辑她的稿子。  我拖着毛绒拖鞋失望地返回房间。  “啪——”门开的声音,我赶紧跑出房间:“爸爸——”  妈妈拉着防盗门把手,回头望着我,手里攥着一张天然气单子,我又一次失望地回到房间。  “嘀嘀——”楼下的汽车声又引起了我的注意,我急忙跑到窗前,看是不是爸爸回来了。  “砰砰——”厚重的