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南方某大型水闸闸宽101米,分为7孔,中孔宽23米(未设闸门),每边三孔,每孔宽10米,闸墩宽3米,用链轮平板闸门启闭。该闸系国民党反动派依赖荷兰设计,于1923年建成。由于闸下消能及整体布置均考虑不周,闸建成的第二年,闸下即被冲成深潭,危及闸身、护坦安全。嗣后曾采用束枝沉排、钢筋混凝土外罩及抛填大量块石充填深潭等补救措 A large sluice gate south of 101 meters wide, divided into 7 holes, 23 meters wide hole (no gate), three holes on each side, each hole width of 10 meters, pier width of 3 meters, with sprocket flat gate opening and closing. The gate system of Kuomintang reactionaries relied on Dutch design and was completed in 1923. As the brake under the energy dissipation and the overall layout are considered ill, the gate built the second year, the gate was washed into a deep pool, endanger the body, protect the security. Subsequent use of bundle branches Shen row, reinforced concrete cover and throwing a large number of blocks filled with rocks and other remedial measures
我院1980年1月—1997年12月共收治院外(第一就诊单位)误诊的23例结脑,现分析报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 23例中男性15例,女性8例;≤1岁9例,—3岁4例,—7岁5例,—14
Through the DSC, XRD, SEM and other experimental methods, the microstructure characteristics of reactive powder concrete ( RPC) are discussed. The results show
病史摘要 例1男,6岁4个月。头痛、呕吐10日,抽搐2次。体检:神清,颈明显有抵抗,双肺听(-),肝肋下2cm,边锐有压痛。四肢肌张力减弱,Babinski征阳性。眼底检查示视神经乳头水肿。实验室检查:CSF压力3923pa(400mmH2O),白细胞25 Case
Numerical simulation of transient mass transfer to a single drop controlled by the internal resistance or by the resistance in both phases was mathematically fo
本文详细地介绍了车用发动机整体式连杆弯扭变形、新换连杆铜套脱出轴承孔、连杆轴承及螺栓早期损坏的原因及检修方法. This paper introduces in detail the bending and to