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本着有利于充分调动医院“自主经营、自求平衡、促进发展”的积极性,四川广元市市中区卫生局对卫生事业经费的使用办法按照“5311”的原则进行了改革,收到了良好的效果。具体办法是: 把财政预算经费分成了任务补贴、设备购置、人才培训、目标管理奖四个大块,并确定具体的分解原则:即将50%用作工资部分补贴,包干使用,30%用于医疗设备购置经费,10%用于基础专业人才的培训,10%用于目标管理奖。如安排装备经费时,按照卫生工作的重点,首先保证本年度要达标升级的医院的硬件建设,以确保达标工作的顺利进行。年底实际执行的经费数为29.32万元,完成了预算数的104.7%。 人才培训经费主要用于两个方面:一是用于卫生局组织的业务管理活动,举办了一期护理知识竞赛和财会人员培训班;二是用于选送有发展前途的专业技术人员到上级医疗单位进修深造,先后有24人次到上级医院进修学习,有14人参加了全国高(中等)成人教育的学习。共投入经费8.4万元,完成预算的100%。 对目标管理奖,我们按照年初签定的目标管理任务书也一一兑现,包括对政府部门的奖金。 In line with the enthusiasm of fully mobilizing the hospital’s enthusiasm for “self-management, self-balancing, and development”, the Health Bureau of Shizhong District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province has adopted reforms in the use of health funds according to the “5311” principle and received good effect. The specific measures are: Divide the budgetary budget into four large blocks: task subsidy, equipment purchase, talent training, and goal management award, and determine the specific principle of disaggregation: 50% will be used as a partial wage subsidy, all are used dry, and 30% are used. Medical equipment purchase funds, 10% for basic professional training, 10% for the target management award. For example, when arranging funding for equipment, in accordance with the priorities of health work, first of all, ensure the hardware construction of the hospitals that are to be upgraded this year in order to ensure the smooth progress of compliance work. The actual amount of funds implemented at the end of the year was 293,200 yuan, and 104.7% of the budget was completed. Talent training funds are mainly used in two aspects: First, they are used for business management activities organized by the Bureau of Health, held a training session for nursing knowledge, and training courses for accountants; second, they are used to send professional and technical personnel with promising development to higher-level medical treatment. The unit’s advanced education program has 24 visits to higher-level hospitals for further study, and 14 people have participated in high- and mid-level adult education in the country. A total of 84,000 yuan was invested and 100% of the budget was completed. For the target management award, we also honored the target management tasks signed at the beginning of the year, including bonuses for government departments.
对医院综合效益评价,其指标的建立应体现医院的医疗质量、科学管理和整体服务功能,同时,既要发挥目标的正确导向作用,又要便于操作考核. To evaluate the comprehensive ben
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初学换把的顺序文/杨宝智2.一至四把位换把练习(上) (3)顺指换把顺指换把,是指从低把位移向高把位时,用低位手指换成高位手指(如1-2、1-3、1-4、2-3、2—4、3—4等);而由高
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