Implant biomaterials: A comprehensive review

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mike_sun
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Appropriate selection of the implant biomaterial is a key factor for long term success of implants. The biologic environment does not accept completely any material so to optimize biologic performance, implants should be selected to reduce the negative biologic response while maintaining adequate function. Every clinician should always gain a thorough knowledge about thedifferent biomaterials used for the dental implants. This article makes an effort to summarize various dental biomaterials which were used in the past and as well as the latest material used now. Appropriate selection of the implant biomaterial is a key factor for long term success of implants. The biologic environment does not accept completely any material so to optimize biologic performance, implants should be selected to reduce the negative biologic response while maintaining adequate function. always gain a thorough knowledge about the different biomaterials used for the dental implants. This article makes an effort to summarize various dental biomaterials which were used in the past and as well as the latest material used now.
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