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在传统的贸易理论中,知识的国际性传播并不是一个主要论题,尽管它对开放经济的发展起着关键性的直接和间接影响。本文分析了知识国际性传播的规模效应和资源再配置效应,并通过一个模型证明:如果知识的国际性传播不够强烈的话,那么,在一个熟练劳动力供给相对丰富的经济中 In traditional trade theory, the international spread of knowledge is not a major issue, although it has a crucial direct and indirect impact on the development of an open economy. This paper analyzes the scale effect and resource reallocation effect of knowledge international communication and proves through a model that if the international spread of knowledge is not strong enough, then in a relatively rich economy with skilled labor supply
戏曲打击乐的功能和作用可以从不同角度给予界定和划分,认识它的功能和作用,是为了更好地运用和发挥打击乐的功能。 The function and role of opera percussion can be def
Objective To discover and identify differentially expressed genes associated with colorectal adenoma formation and the role of Reg IV in colorectal adenoma dif
基于FPGA的双口RAM数据延迟器通常是在No Change模式下实现的,但在该模式下,系统的时钟频率需是信号频率的两倍。在Read First模式下实现了双口RAM数据延迟器,其系统时钟频率
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A vast amount of the melt inclusions and fluid-melt inclusions have been found in skarn minerals from Fe, Cu(Au) and Au(Cu) ore deposits distributed from Daye
和新闻一样,真实也是广告的生命,它不仅关系到消费者的利益,也关系到企业的成败得失。所以,不仅要善、美,更重要的是—— Like news, reality is also the life of advertis