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1994年8月海关总署办公会议,氛围凝重,与会者知道:中国海关正面临严峻的挑战。这次没有声张宣传的会议,在海关防伪史上无疑具有里程碑意义。会议决定成立全国海关防伪领导小组,正式向“三假”宣战,并要赢得这场防伪之战! 宣战之初,海关正遭受假印章的频繁骚扰。深圳中港运输公司林强等人偷刻海关业务印章13枚,是从申报到查验放行的全部必盖印鉴,在当地有“第二海关”之说。 In August 1994, the general meeting of the General Administration of Customs held an atmosphere of dignified atmosphere. The participants learned that the Chinese customs are facing serious challenges. This time there is no sound propaganda meeting in the history of the Customs anti-counterfeit landmark is undoubtedly a milestone. The meeting decided to set up a national customs anti-counterfeiting leading group to formally declare war on “three fake goods” and win the war on counterfeiting! At the very beginning of the war, the customs were suffering frequent harassment of fake seals. Lin Qiang, a Hong Kong-Shenzhen shipping company, secretly stamped 13 stamps of customs duties, all of which were to be stamped from the declaration to inspection and release. There was a “second customs” on the spot.
Inflation—adjusted industrial output hit3,813.1 billion yuan(USD 459.4 billion)in the first 10 months of last year,a14.7 per cent increase from the same pe-ri
This paper discusses inhomogeneity in structure of the present lithosphere underneath the Tibetan Plateau, and deduces the P-T-t paths and deep processes during
【摘要】针对目前中职生源的现状,为提高中职毕业生的职业素养和技能,我校提出了基于“四个一体化”的“现代学徒制”人才培养模式,并在校内试点,取得良好的效果。同时,也就遇到的困难提出了切实可行的建议。  【关键词】现代学徒制 四个一体化 教改实践  【中图分类号】G71 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)03-0002-02  一、实话背景  教育部鲁昕副部长曾经提出,希望地
1986年3月7日水电部、财政部、中国人民银行及中国农业银行联合发出《关于调整小水电贷款利率及进行贴息的通知》以后,各地来信来电询问有关问题,现答复于下: On March 7,
经典盛事 隆重仪式 1997年9月3日,中国国际贸易中心广场被彩旗、彩带、彩球装点得分外艳丽。许多人面带微笑,怀着喜悦和激动的心情,拥向展览大厅。 全国印刷、出版、广告界
甘肃省银元素地球化学分布由北向南 ,从低背景向中、高背景过渡 ,局部形成宏观异常带 ,银元素平均值也有北低南高的趋势。  通过对全省大量区域化探资料的分析解剖 ,初步总
MORE than USD 25 million worth ofdeals were won by China National Non-ferrous Metals Industry Corporation(CNNC)during a recent trade fair inHong Kong.The succe