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公共关系是一种社会存在,由来已久。1986年才第一次被引入我国图书馆界,而我们真正开始认识它,还是近几年的事。在图书馆事业的发展历程中,不但存在这样或那样的关系,而且随时随地都要处理许多各种特定的公共关系。由于图书馆行业是社会主义教育文化事业的组成部分,是把社会效益放在首要位置的非营利性社会组织,因而其公共关系活动也必然属于一种社会公益活动的范畴,具有社会公益性、直接服务性、全员参与性等特点。它涉及到图书馆工作的各个部门、各个环节,一些图书馆领导者将图书馆公共关系视为图书馆工作者必须具备的第一位技能。其具体作用主要表现在四个方面:一是高质量、高水平的社会公众服务手段;二是新型的图书馆组织管理方式,三是协调和理顺内外公众的各种关系;四是塑造良好的图书馆形象。从整体来看,图书馆公共关系活动与企业公共关系活动相比较差距还很大,在全国大部分地区图书馆公共关系发展相对滞后,公共关系意识还很淡漠,不少地方仍然处于“公关沙漠”状况。新疆图书馆界在图书馆公共关系理论研究方面虽然有所涉猎,但还很不深入,特别是在其具体推广和应用方面尤其不尽人意,这是有其主要原因的。要正确理解、运用图书馆公共关系,不要出现“顺利的时候忽视甚至忘? Public relations is a social existence, a long time. It was only for the first time introduced into our library community in 1986, and we really started to recognize it, or something in recent years. In the course of the development of the library business, not only these and other relations exist, but also many different kinds of specific public relations are dealt with anytime, anywhere. As the library industry is an integral part of the socialist educational and cultural undertakings, it is a not-for-profit social organization that puts social benefits at the top of its agenda. Therefore, its public relations activities inevitably belong to the category of social welfare activities. They are socially beneficial, Direct service, full participation and other characteristics. It involves all parts of the library work, all aspects of the library leaders, some of the library as a public relations as library workers must have the first skill. Its specific role mainly in four aspects: First, high-quality, high level of public service means; second, a new type of library organization and management, the third is to coordinate and rationalize the various relationships between the public inside and outside; Fourth, good shape Library image. On the whole, there is still a big gap between the public relations activities of the library and the public relations activities of the enterprises. In most parts of the country, the development of public relations lags behind and the public relations awareness is still indifferent. Many places are still in the public relations desert “situation. Although there are many studies on the theory of library public relations in Xinjiang, the library community in Xinjiang still lacks profound understanding. In particular, the library industry in Xinjiang is particularly unsatisfactory in its promotion and application. To correctly understand the use of public relations in the library, do not appear ”in the smooth and neglected even forget?
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