
来源 :中国劳动科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caojun510
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警惕:矿山伤亡事故马汉华,姚英杰1990年,事故41起,死亡46人,伤1人;1991年,事故29起,死亡31人,伤2人;1992年,事故44起,死亡46人,伤3人;1993年,事故39起,死亡38人,伤3人;1994年,事故48起,死亡61人,伤8人... Guard against: mine casualties Ma Hanhua, Yao Yingjie In 1990, 41 accidents, 46 people were killed and 1 injured; in 1991, 29 accidents, 31 people were killed and 2 people injured; in 1992, 44 accidents, 46 people died, Wounding 3; in 1993, 39 accidents, 38 people were killed and 3 injured; in 1994, 48 accidents, 61 people were killed and 8 people were injured ...
党的十五大把依法治国确定为党领导人民治理国家的基本方略。在我国法律体系中,有80%以上的法律、法规要靠行政机 The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of C
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The defect of TPP Ⅰ causes a disease, late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis(LINCL, CLN2). To investigate the bio-activity of tripeptidyl peptidase Ⅰ(T
南京林业大学机械设计与理论学科近年来主持和参加了国家科技攻关 ,国家 863计划 ,国家自然科学基金 ,部、省级以上科研项目 40多项 ,形成具有特色和优势的研究方向还包括 :1
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在社会保障体系改革过程中,上海率先建立了社会保障管理社区化的新体制。这种新体制,将会为深入探讨社会保障管理体制改革提供很多启示。 In the reform of the social secu
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