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立体绿化又称垂直绿化,是利用攀缘植物等装饰建筑物墙面、屋顶、棚架、灯柱、围墙、园门、驳岸山石、桥梁等的一种绿化形式。立体绿化可缓解随着城市建设的发展而出现的高层建筑物密集、城市绿地严重不足的矛盾。立体绿化是今后城市绿化发展的重要手段。立体绿化占地少,利用率高,效果好。立体绿化能充分利用建筑物的四周等种植攀缘植物吸附墙面向上生长,借此增加城市绿化面积。据测试,有绿化的墙面能提高建筑物墙体的热阻系数,减少夏季的热辐射,能降低室内温度,对净化城市空气和减低城市噪声有良好的作用。在各类墙面上进行立体绿化,用绿化植物遮覆墙体和不美观的部分,使墙体的硬质景观软化,丰富墙面景观,增加墙面的自然气氛,使人有亲切感。在现代化城市园林中,廊架已成为垂 Three-dimensional greening, also known as vertical greening, is the use of climbing plants and other decorative buildings walls, roofs, scaffolding, lamp posts, fences, garden gates, barges shore rocks, bridges and other green forms. Three-dimensional greening can ease with the development of urban construction appears high-rise buildings dense, urban green space serious shortage of contradictions. Three-dimensional greening is an important means of urban greening in the future. Less green space, high utilization, good effect. Three-dimensional greening can take full advantage of the building around the planting climbing plants such as adsorption wall upward growth, thereby increasing the urban green area. According to the test, the green wall can improve the thermal resistance coefficient of the building wall, reduce the heat radiation in summer, reduce the indoor temperature, and play a good role in purifying the urban air and reducing the urban noise. In all types of wall for three-dimensional green, with green plants cover the wall and the unsightly parts of the wall to soften the hard landscape, enrich the wall landscape, increase the natural atmosphere of the wall, people have a sense of intimacy. In the modern urban landscape, the porch has become drooping
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