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“向虚假报道说‘不’!”这是2010年11月23日“杜绝虚假报道增强社会责任加强新闻职业道德建设”专项教育活动启动时,全国新闻战线发出的承诺。半年来,全国新闻战线开展的专项教育活动,对虚假新闻产生了有力遏制作用,对增强新闻从业人员社会责任意识、加强新闻职业道德建设、全面提高新闻队伍的素质和水平起到了有力推动作用。自活动开展以来,《中国记者》第一时间设立专栏,组织高端访谈,进一步阐述活动意义、宗旨,还精心组织国内外资深媒体从业者和研究者,采写、梳理、剖析国内外防范虚假新闻、新闻失实的经验教训,给新闻媒体提供参考。截至2011年第6期,“专项教育专论”及其他栏目共刊发高质量论文近20篇。接下来本刊将继续关注专项教育活动,重点总结新闻界的主要做法、经验和成效。 “This is the commitment made by the national news front when the special education campaign was launched on November 23, 2010,” to eliminate false reports and enhance social responsibility and strengthen professional ethics in journalism. “ In the past six months, special education activities carried out by the national news front have exerted a powerful deterrent effect on the false news. They have played a vigorous impetus role in enhancing the awareness of social responsibility among journalists, strengthening the construction of journalistic ethics and raising the overall quality and level of news staff. Since its inception, ”China Journalist“ has set up a special column as the first time to organize high-level interviews and further elaborate on the significance and purposes of the activities. It has also carefully organized domestic and foreign senior media practitioners and researchers to write and sort out, analyze and prevent false news at home and abroad, News false facts and lessons to the news media provide a reference. As of the 6th of 2011, ”special education monographs" and other columns published a total of nearly 20 high-quality papers. Next, we will continue to focus on special education activities, focusing on the main press practices, experiences and achievements.
第一关:甄别消息在重大新闻事件发生时,摄影记者初到异国采访,往往会感觉可报道题材众多而难以取舍。多次实践后,笔者认为在境外采访,冷静甄别信息是摄影记者必需的素质。 T
如何适应时代发展和受众需求变化以在构建舆论传播新格局中发挥正面宣传的作用?当前,正面宣传如何围绕建党90周年,充分而有效地展示我们党立党为公、执政为民、求真务 How t