
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ran871229
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This paper presents a superstructure-based formulation for the synthesis of mass-exchange networks (MENs) considering multiple components. The superstructure is simplified by directly using the mass separation agents (MSA) from their sources, and therefore the automatic synthesis of the multi-component system involved in the MENs can be achieved without choosing a ’key-component’ either for the whole process or the mass exchangers. A mathematical model is proposed to carry out the optimization process. The concentrations, flow rates, matches and unit operation displayed in the obtained network constitute the exact representation of the mass exchange process in terms of all species in the system. An example is used to illustrate and demonstrate the application of the proposed method. The superstructure is simplified by directly using the mass separation agents (MSA) from their sources, and therefore the automatic synthesis of the multi- component system involved in the MENs can be achieved without choices a ’key-component’ either for the whole process or the mass exchangers. A mathematical model is proposed to carry out the optimization process. The concentrations, flow rates, matches and unit operation displayed in the obtained network constitute the exact representation of the mass exchange process in terms of all species in the system. An example is used to illustrate and demonstrate the application of the proposed method.
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