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随着我国农药工业的发展壮大,农药制造能力和水平的不断提高,我国生产的农药产品大量走出国门,参与国际竞争,为适应国际市场的需求,制造出符合国际标准的产品是必然选择。近年来,国内农药管理的水平逐步提升,农药登记政策趋严,登记资料要求越来越规范,产品标准也紧跟国际标准。这就要求我国农药行业紧跟时代步伐,产品标准和质量水平向国际标准靠拢。为了让我国农药行业从业者了解国际农药标准的要 With the development and growth of China’s pesticide industry and the continuous improvement of the manufacturing capacity and level of pesticides, a large number of pesticide products produced in China go abroad and participate in international competition. To meet the needs of the international market, it is an inevitable choice to manufacture products that meet international standards. In recent years, the level of pesticide management in China has gradually increased. The pesticide registration policy has become more stringent. Registration data requirements have become more and more standardized, and product standards have followed the international standards. This requires China’s pesticide industry keep up with the pace of the times, product standards and quality standards to move closer to international standards. In order to make our country’s pesticide industry practitioners to understand the international pesticide standards
为落实中央和淮安市全教会精神 ,江苏淮安市职教中心新学期深化内部管理体制和人事制度改革 ,试行缩编减员 ,各处室的副职全部兼班主任工作。班主任是班级的组织者和领导者 ,
Phenol is considered as pollutant due to its toxicity and carcinogenic effect.Thus,variety of innovative methods for separation and recovery of phenolic compoun
目的:分析降糖治疗对糖尿病患者眼屈光度的影响。方法:新诊断的糖尿病患者20例,检测治疗前血糖、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、空腹及餐后2h C肽。测定双眼屈光度、角膜曲率、前房深
A series of cerium sulfides were successfully prepared using commercially available nanoscale CeO_2 as precursor, anhydrous Na_2CO_3 as dopants, CS_2 as sulfur
申请公布号:CN 106381746 A发明人:沙九龙李许生覃程荣王双飞申请人:广西大学压力筛是基于杂质与良浆纤维的形态不同来分离杂质的,典型的旋翼压力筛如图1所示,其结构主要由转