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五卅运动后,全国革命形势继续向前发展。1925年下半年时,北洋军阀统治极不巩固。直奉军阀在帝国主义操纵下,进行着激烈的混战;而北方实力派之一——倾向于国民革命的冯玉祥国民军的势力,在军阀混战中得到了发展和扩大。奉系军阀在北方的统治摇摇欲坠。同时广东革命根据地经过二次东征、一次南征后,在1925年底肃清了陈炯明、杨希闵、刘震寰、邓本殷等反革命势力,进一步巩固起来了。在巩固广东革命根据地的过程中,7月1日,国民政府正式成立,8月26日,国民政府又将黄埔学生军等原有军队及归附革命的粤桂滇各军统一改编为国民革命军第一到第六共六个军(后又将广西李宗仁部改编为第七军,湖南唐生智部改编为第八军,八个军共约十万人)。北洋军阀统治的不稳,北方国民军势力的扩大和南方广东革命根据地的巩固,有力地推动了全国人民以工农为主体的反帝反军阀斗争。用武力夺取全国政权的条件正在成熟起来。 After the May 30th Movement, the national revolutionary situation continued to move forward. In the second half of 1925, the rule of the Northern Warlords was extremely under-consolidated. Straight Feng warlords were fiercely fighting under imperialist manipulation. The forces of Feng Yuxiang, one of the forces of the north, who favored the national revolution, have been developed and expanded in the melee warlords. The factional warlord’s rule in the north was crumbling. At the same time, the second eastern expedition took place in the revolutionary base area of ​​Guangdong. After a southward expedition, the counter-revolutionary forces such as Chen Jiongming, Yang Xijin, Liu Zhenhuan and Deng Binyin were eliminated by the end of 1925 and further consolidated. In consolidating the revolutionary base areas in Guangdong, on July 1, the National Government was formally established. On August 26, the Kuomintang Government reorganized the uniformed military units in the Huangpu pupil army and the various armed forces in Guangdong and Guangxi that were attached to the revolution into the National Revolutionary Army The first six to a total of six military (later renamed Li Zongren Guangxi Department for the Seventh Army, Hunan Tang Shengzhi adapted for the Eighth Army, eight military total of about 100,000 people). The unstable governance of the Northern Warlords, the expansion of the forces of the North Kuomintang, and the consolidation of the revolutionary base areas in southern Guangdong have effectively promoted the people’s struggle against imperialism and warlords led by the workers and peasants. The conditions for using force to seize the power of the country are maturing.
精心设计导入的语言,能为课堂教学的进行奠定良好的基础。本文以中学数学教学中的导言设计为主题,分别从七个方面来探讨如何设计切合实际又生动风趣的导言。 Well-designed
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消费者的消费行为是企业制定推广策略的重要依据,同样,对搜索引擎推广而言,研究网民的搜索行为并据此优化推广策略,是不断提高搜索推广效果的重要保障。我们曾经指出,把握网民的消费决策过程、响应网民搜索习惯的改变、洞察行业市场的变化,是保证搜索推广效果的关键,而这三个方面都会通过搜索行为表现出来。  如何研究并响应网民的搜索行为呢?我们以旅游市场为例说明,从来源于百度的调查分析数据,可以总结出网民的一些搜