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近年来,湖南科技大学纪委深入贯彻落实党的十八届历次全会和中纪委历次全会精神,按照“转职能、转方式、转作风”的要求,坚持“三抓”——抓制度、抓队伍、抓落实,层层传导压力,构建“三全”——全方位、全职员、全过程监督体系。强化对决策权、执行权的监督,有效防止和避免权力滥用,为教书育人、廉洁从政营造风清气正、和谐奋进的政治生态文明环境。学校党风廉政建设和反腐败工作取得了较好的成绩,先后3次被评为全省反腐倡廉建设先进单位,1次被评为全省教育系统反腐倡廉建设先进单位,5次被评为湘潭市反腐倡廉建设先进单位。 In recent years, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hunan University of Science and Technology has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the plenary sessions of the 18th plenary session of the Party and the plenary sessions of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and insisted on the requirement of “changing functions, changing modes of work and changing style of work” System, grasp the team, grasp the implementation of layers of leadership pressure, build “Three All ” - all-round, full-time staff, the entire process of monitoring system. Strengthen the supervision of decision-making power and executive power, prevent and abstain abuse of power effectively, and create a political ecological and civilized environment in which ethics, integrity and progress are made in order to teach, educate, and clean government. The school has made good achievements in building a clean government and fighting against corruption. It has won the honorary title of “Advanced Unit for Combating Corruption and Advocating Honest Administration” in the province for three times and was rated as “Advanced Unit in Fighting Corruption and Building a Clean Government” in the Education System of the Province for the first time. As Xiangtan City, anti-corruption building advanced unit.
解脱是通过得到正法的传承,产生度化作用而出现的处世圆融、消除烦恼、内心自在的一种状态。 自古以来,解脱就是一种不可思议、深不可测的修行境界和实相。一般人只会拿“解
启示图一:下出这手棋可以抓住主动权 启示图一中出现的局面是大家在实战中经常遇到和采用的,白2是较为典型的应着,发展至白4,此时是否能有一手棋可以使黑棋把握住节奏进而取得整个
提出了设计直流电源变换器(DC-DC)线路滤波器应遵循的原则,分析了其设计方法,最后给出了设计实例──程控交换机直流电源变换器线路滤波器的设计结果. The principle that DC-DC line
2000年10月22日至2001年2月18日在美国加州三藩市(San Francisco,即旧金山)举办的“李小龙回顾展”,是有史以来规模最大、历时最久、出席人数最多的一次盛况空前的李小龙展