Cloning and Functional Analysis of A NAC-Like Gene Csnac in Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)

来源 :茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yx5813399
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The plant-specific NAC(NAM,ATAF1 /2,CUC2) transcription factors play important roles in stess responses and devlopment in plants,but little was known about NACs in tea plants(Camellia sinensis).In this study,a fulllength cDNA sequence(CsNAC) was isolated by suppressive subtractive hybridization(SSH) in Ectropic oblique feeding-induced tea plants.Gene sequence analysis showed that the putative protein of CsNAC contained a conserved NAC domain,which is the typical characteristic of NAC transcription factors.qRT-PCR analysis revealed that CsNAC was suppressed by Ectropis oblique feeding and mechanical damage.Treatment of defence-related homones methyl jasmonate(MeJA) decreased the transcript abudance of CsNAC and salicylic acid(SA) could induce the expression of CsNAC.The transcript levels of CsNAC was down-regulated after applying abscisic acid(ABA) and the expression patterns of CsNAC were different by drought or cold stress.Subcellular localization analysis revealed that CsNAC protein was localized in the nucleus.These results suggested that CsNAC may play a role in defense against insects and adaptation to abiotic stresses. The plant-specific NAC (NAM, ATAF1 / 2, CUC2) transcription factors play important roles in stess responses and devlopment in plants, but little known about NACs in tea plants (Camellia sinensis). In this study, a fulllength cDNA sequence ( CsNAC) was isolated by suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) in Ectropic oblique feeding-induced tea plants. Gene sequence analysis showed that the putative protein of CsNAC contained a conserved NAC domain, which is the typical characteristic of NAC transcription factors. QRT-PCR analysis revealed that CsNAC was suppressed by Ectropis oblique feeding and mechanical damage. Treatment of defense-related homones methyl jasmonate (MeJA) decreased the transcript abudance of CsNAC and salicylic acid (SA) could induce the expression of CsNAC.The transcript levels of CsNAC was down -regulated after applying abscisic acid (ABA) and the expression patterns of CsNAC were different by drought or cold stress. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that CsNAC protein was localized in the nucleus. These results suggested that CsNAC may play a role in defense against insects and adaptation to abiotic stresses.
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本文主要是在研究铜版画作为一门古老的艺术门类,在腐蚀技法之中独特的美的特点,并进一步论述铜版画腐蚀技法之美的意义。本论文主要从以下三个部分来分析和研究论题。  第一