High Coupling Efficiency of the Fiber-Coupled Module Based on Photonic-Band-Crystal Laser Diodes

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyeh
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The coupling efficiency of the beam combination and the fiber-coupled module is limited due to the large vertical divergent angle of conventional semiconductor laser diodes. We present a high coupling efficiency module using photonic-band-crystal(PBC) laser diodes with narrow vertical divergent angles. Three PBC single-emitter laser diodes are combined into a fiber with core diameter of 105μm and numerical aperture of 0.22. A high coupling efficiency of 94.4% is achieved and the brightness is calculated to be 1.7 MW/(cm~2.sr) with the injection current of 8 A. The coupling efficiency of the beam combination and the fiber-coupled module is limited due to the large vertical divergent angle of conventional semiconductor laser diodes. angles. Three PBC single-emitter laser diodes are combined into a fiber with a core diameter of 105 μm and a numerical aperture of 0.22. A high coupling efficiency of 94.4% is achieved and the brightness is calculated to be 1.7 MW / (cm ~ 2.sr ) with the injection current of 8 A.
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