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为了适应基础教育改革与发展的需要,我国对培养专科学历小学教师工作进行了较长时间的积极探索,取得了较大成绩,并积累了许多宝贵经验。到2001年,小学教师中达到专科以上学历者已占小学教师队伍的27.4%。但是,我国专科以上学历小学教师的培养尚处于初级阶段,在培养制度、办学渠道、办学模式、专业建设等方面还存在一些问题。为了贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》精神,大力提高小学教师整体素质,加强专科以上学历小学教师培养工作,特提出以下意见:一、坚持按需适度发展方针,科学规划专科以上学历小学教师的培养 In order to meet the needs of the reform and development of basic education, our country has actively explored the cultivation of specialist primary school teachers for a relatively long period of time, has made great achievements and accumulated many valuable experiences. By 2001, 27.4% of primary school teachers had attained post-secondary qualifications or higher in the primary school. However, the training of primary school teachers with college degree or above in China is still in its infancy. There are still some problems in the training system, the channels for running schools, the mode of running schools and the professional construction. In order to implement the spirit of “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening Educational Reform and Promoting Quality-oriented Education in an All-round Way”, we must vigorously raise the overall quality of primary school teachers and strengthen the training of primary school teachers with specialist qualifications or higher. We put forward the following opinions: First, Training of Primary School Teachers with Science Planning Specialties or Higher
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