标本兼治 重在治本——审议“加强城市规划管理,标本兼治缓解交通拥堵”议案办理情况报告

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9月27日上午,市十四届人大常委会第六次会议听取和审议市政府关于“加强城市规划管理,标本兼治缓解交通拥堵”议案办理情况的报告时,有11位常委会组成人员、3位列席代表发表了意见。市人大常委会一直高度关注交通问题。2011年听取和审议了市政府关于进一步缓解交通拥堵工作情况的报告,从完善交通体系建设、提高交通管理和服务水平等方面提出了审议意见。此次再度关注交通问题,意在标本兼治,着重治本,力争从全面加强城市规划管理入手,从源头降低 On the morning of September 27, the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress listened to and deliberated the report of the municipal government on the handling of the motion on “strengthening urban planning management and tackling both symptoms and symptoms”, and 11 members of the Standing Committee Personnel, three representatives attended the meeting and expressed their opinions. Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee has been highly concerned about traffic problems. In 2011, the municipal government heard and reviewed the report of the municipal government on further relieving traffic congestion and put forward its opinions on improving the traffic system and improving traffic management and service standards. This time again focus on traffic problems, intended to solve the symptoms and root cause, focus on the root cause, and strive to comprehensively strengthen urban planning and management from the source to reduce
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