
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbboy
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我区按照甘肃省广播电视厅的统一安排,于1987年8月开始着手编写平凉地区广播电视志,1988年3月编成1949年至1985年的平凉地区广播电视志,1989年11月又应省厅安排,在同年底完成1986年至1988年平凉地区广播电视志。我担任了这两次的主编工作,就个人的 In accordance with the unified arrangements of the Gansu Provincial Radio and Television Office, our district began to write radio and television records in Pingliang in August 1987, and compiled the radio and television records in Pingliang Prefecture from March 1949 to March 1985 and again in November 1989 The ministry arranged to complete the radio and television records of Pingliang Prefecture from 1986 to 1988 at the end of the same year. I served as chief editor of these two, on the individual
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We report a low-noise, high-signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) balanced homodyne detector based on the standard tran-simpedance amplifier circuit and the inductance an
Si p+n junction diodes operating in the mode of avalanche breakdown are capable of emitting light in the visible range of 400-900 nm.In this study,to realize th