发挥教研组功能 提高教学质量

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提高教学质量,除依靠教师提高自身素质外,能否充分地发挥教研组功能,也是一个重要方面。教研组功能是通过教研组活动实现的。近年来,我校政治教研组开展了一系列活动,旨在发挥教研组功能,提高教学质量,取得了一定成效。一、抓好课堂教学,发挥指导、监督功能课堂教学,是学校工作的中心环节。课堂教学的好坏,直接关系到教学质量的高低。课 To improve the quality of teaching, in addition to relying on teachers to improve their own qualities, whether or not they can give full play to the functions of teaching and research groups is also an important aspect. The function of the teaching and research group is achieved through the activities of the teaching and research group. In recent years, the political teaching and research group of our school has carried out a series of activities aimed at exerting the functions of teaching and research groups, improving the quality of teaching and achieving certain results. First, do a good job in classroom teaching, and give play to the guidance and supervision of functional classroom teaching is a central part of school work. The quality of classroom teaching is directly related to the quality of teaching. class
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本刊1992年第3期刊登的《高中物理综合测试题》,多重选择题中有这样一题: 如图所示,A为一固定的超导体圆环,一条形磁铁从右侧无穷远处沿环轴线移向圆环,穿过后移到左侧无穷
教学活动,教师是主导。这种主导作用更深层地反映在提高学生的学习兴趣,激发其内在的能动性。在长期的教学实践中,我总结出激发学生学习兴趣的十种有效方法。 1.情感交融法