Mu Ultimate Goals——Excerpt from A Sense of Where You Are

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一、INTRODUCTION 选文简介:“我的终极目标”选自美国作家约翰·麦克菲(John Mcphee)的纪实文学《认识你自己》(A Sense of where You Are)。该书写于美国篮球明星比尔·布雷德利(Bill Bradlev)在美国篮坛最走红的60年代。那时美国社会动荡不安,美国人民在自己的国家与越南交战的过程中产生了极度的失落感。以青年人为主的各种游行示威活动反映了他们在幻灭之后对传统信仰的嘲讽与怀疑,但同时又找不到精神寄托的进退维谷的人生状况。他们因此被称为“垮了的一代”(Beat Generation)。该章描述的是比尔·布雷德利在普林斯顿大学期间学习与生活的片断。布雷德利球艺精湛,是常青藤联盟篮球队的主力队员;他又爱学习,从不因打球而影响学业:他每回打完球后立即去图书馆学习,或在打比赛的前一天晚上通宵达旦地写论文……如今,这位昔日的篮球明星已成为美国民主党总统候选人,正在紧锣密鼓地筹备2000年总统竞选。 I. INTRODUCTION Introduction to the article: “My ultimate goal” is selected from the American writer John Mcphee’s documentary “A Sense of Where You Are.” It was written in the 60s when American basketball star Bill Bradlev became the most popular basketball player in the United States. At that time, the American society was in turmoil and the American people had a sense of extreme loss in their country’s engagement with Vietnam. The various youth-dominated demonstrations and demonstrations reflected their sarcasm and suspicion of traditional beliefs after their disillusionment, but at the same time, they could not find the status of the dilemma of spiritual support. They are therefore called “Beat Generation”. This chapter describes Bill Bradley’s learning and life at Princeton University. Bradley is a superb player and is the main team member of the Ivy League basketball team. He loves to learn and never influences school because of playing: he will go to the library every time he plays the ball, or it will be the night before the game. Writing a paper in a daddy... Today, this former basketball star has become the presidential candidate of the US Democratic Party and is busy preparing for the 2000 presidential election.
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