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如果评选2013年的热门词汇,“雾霾”必定榜上有名。从年初到年末,从北方到南方,从首都北京到江南水乡,雾霾不分时间、地点的屡次上演,已经让人忍无可忍。面对环境问题的凸显和能源危机的加剧,作为能源消耗大户的交通运输行业面临巨大压力。而城市里道路上奔跑着的各类车辆尾气排放,更是对城市空气质量有相当程度的影响。那么,客车制造企业又能做些什么呢?节能与新能源客车无疑是一大方向。发展节能与 If you choose 2013 popular terms, “smog ” must be on the list. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, from the north to the south and from the capital city of Beijing to the Jiangnan Water Village, haze has been unbearable for many times and places. In the face of the prominent environmental problems and the intensification of the energy crisis, the transportation industry, as a major energy consumer, is under tremendous pressure. The emission of various types of vehicles running on the roads in the cities has a considerable impact on the urban air quality. So, bus manufacturers can do what? Energy and new energy bus is undoubtedly a major direction. Develop energy-saving and
Objective: To investigate the outcome of pregnancy following laparoscopic unilateral tubal fulguration of hydrosalpinges in patients with recurrent spontaneous
Objective: To assess whether success rate differs in single-dose versus multiple-dose administration of methotrexate(MTX)-in medical management of unruptured ec
患者男,26岁.其妻自然流产3次,现怀孕80多天阴道流血,B超显示胚胎停止发育而就诊.查体:身高168 cm,体重59 kg.表型及智力正常.细胞遗传学检查,分别抽取患者夫妇外周血进行细胞培养,G显带分析.患者核型为46,XY,t(13;20) (13pter→13q22∷20q13→20pter;20pter→20q13∷13q22→13pter).其妻核型正常。
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) modulates inflammation and usually enhances clearance of apoptotic cells. We observed that the concentration and total amount of pe
采用硅胶柱色谱、ODS柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱及半制备高效液相色谱等方法对细叶石仙桃进行分离纯化,研究细叶石仙桃乙酸乙酯部位的化学成分,并运用核磁共振波谱法鉴定