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“决澜社”是一个画会组织,大部分艺术工作者可能脑海中的印象并不是太明晰,它成立于1932年,解散于1935年。决澜社从成立到解散只有短短四年时间,但是它却是中国现代美术史研究中不能忽视的重要个案。20世纪初期,当西洋画风席卷整个画坛,“西学东渐”和“新文化运动与美术革命”如火如荼地展开,决澜社的画家们也不断地吸收西方各种现代主义的观念:有后期印象派、达达主义、野兽派、立体主义、超现实主义等等。他们的艺术宗旨是为艺术而艺术,但是这些新新的艺术观念并不在当时内忧外患的中国得到理解,因此在第四次画展之后,决澜社成员商议解散。在当时的中国,一个崇尚为艺术而艺术的流派在夹缝中存在了五年,到最后的解散,带给人们更多的是对艺术纯粹的精神追求,为当代中国物欲横流的艺术市场树立了一座短暂的丰碑,为当时黑暗中的中国现代艺术的发展带来了短暂的黎明,却为以后中国艺术的发展留下了永恒的启示。 “Lanlan community ” is a painting organization, most artists may mind the impression is not too clear, it was founded in 1932, dissolved in 1935. However, it is an important case that can not be ignored in the study of Chinese modern art history. At the beginning of the 20th century, when Western style swept through the painting circle, “Eastward Westward Learning” and “New Culture Movement and Fine Arts Revolution” started in full swing, the artists of the Terran Community constantly absorbed Western modernism Concept: a late impressionism, Dadaism, Fauvism, Cubism, surrealism and so on. Their artistic purpose is art for art. However, these new concepts of art are not understood by China at that time, both inside and outside the country. Therefore, after the fourth art exhibition, members of the delegation of Lanlan to dissolve. In China at the time, a genre advocating art as an art existed for five years in the cracks. The dissolution of the genre finally brought people more pursuit of the pure spiritual pursuit of art and set the stage for the contemporary materialistic market in China A short monument, which brought a brief dawn to the development of modern Chinese art in the dark at the time, left an eternal revelation for the development of Chinese art in the future.
提到《华夏集》,人们自然会想到它的译者艾兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound),作为20世纪美国最有影响力的诗人之一,艾兹拉·庞德的译作《华夏集》成功的把中国古典诗歌带到西方世界。但
本文以评价系统为理论框架,对英汉平行语料中的鉴赏意义进行分析,涉及鉴赏意义的典型情况和非典型情况,重点是非典型情况的分析。   评价系统是语篇层面上表达人际意义的
从运动学角度分析了振动攻丝原理 ,阐明了振动攻丝增加了切削液进入切削区的途径 ,加强了切削液的渗透能力和润滑效果 ,研究了不同切削液配方对钛合金振动攻丝扭矩的影响。