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例一黄某某,男,八十岁。八五年元月三日就诊。诉未大便七日,自一日起,频频登厕,每4~5min一次,每次仅排出少量稀黄水,不甚秽臭,肛门坠痛难忍,坐卧不安,精神疲惫,舌苔白厚,脉沉缓。证属年老津亏,肠失濡润,传导失司,燥结旁流。急用番泻叶9g,泡,服。当晚泻出干燥粪块约大半痰盂,诸症悉除。继以健脾养血,增液润肠,调治告愈。例二傅某某,男,五十九岁。一九七九年九月三日就诊。自诉八日未大便,从前天起,频频登厕,欲便不能,肛门坠胀,每次汉下黄稀水少许。四肢困倦,口中乏味,纳呆食少,舌苔微黄,脉细滑。病员素喜辛辣,热积胃肠,阴津不足,大便坚硬,欲排不能,故清水旁流。拟用番泻叶8g,泡服。下午先便五寸余长干燥大便后,再便软便甚多,后以养血滋阴,补液润肠,调治而痊。按:“燥结旁流”多见于年老津亏,大便干结的患者。因肠道津液不足,难于润湿干结大便, Example 1 Huang Moumou, male, 80 years old. On the 3rd day of January and August 1995 On the 7th day after v. defecation, the toilet was frequently quarried every 4 to 5 minutes. Only a small amount of thin yellow water was discharged at a time. Not much rancid, anal falling unbearably, restlessness, mental fatigue, and white fur. Thick, slow pulse. The card is old and suffers from deficiency, the intestine loses moisture, the conduction fails, and the dry side flows. Urgent senna 9g, foam, clothing. In the evening, about half of the dried manure was shed, and the disease was eliminated. Followed by the spleen and nourishing the blood, adding liquid to ease the intestines, modulating the recovery. Example 2 Fu Mou, male, 59 years old. He was seen on September 3, 1979. Self-accusation did not defecate on the 8th. From the day before yesterday, he frequently went to the toilet. The limbs are drowsy, the mouth is boring, the appetite is poor, the tongue is yellowish, and the pulse is slippery. The patients were ecstatic, hot and gastrointestinal, lacking in yin-chun, hard stools, and unable to drain, so the water was bypassed. Senna 8g is recommended for use. In the afternoon, after five or more inches of dry stool, it will be very soft and then there will be nourishing yin, nourishing the intestine, and rectifying it. According to: “Side dry side flow” is more common in old people who suffer from Tianjin loss, dry stool. Due to insufficient intestinal fluid, it is difficult to wet the stool.
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