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1949年7月,全国即将解放,但蒋介石残余仍在滇西负隅顽抗,对滇西、滇西北革命根据地进行围剿。为巩固革命根据地,消除敌人对滇西北革命根据地的威胁,宣传贯彻党的民族政策,加强民族团结,扩大反美反蒋爱国统一战线,动员各族人民参加和支援人民解放战争,中国共产党滇西地方工作委员会和人民自卫军指挥部于八一建军节发布了《告滇西少数民族同胞书》。《告滇西少数民族同胞书》现藏于丽江市玉龙县档案馆,建党90周年之际,我们公布这份珍贵的革命历史档案,旨在回顾历史,重温党的发展历程,从中也可以看出我党坚持民族平等,尊重民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰,实行民族区域自治政策的优良传统。 In July 1949, the entire country was about to be liberated, but Chiang Kai-shek’s remaining troops were still stubbornly battling in western Yunnan to carry out encirclement and suppression on the revolutionary bases in western Yunnan and northwestern Yunnan. In order to consolidate the revolutionary base areas, eliminate the enemy’s threat to the revolutionary base areas in northwestern Yunnan, publicize and implement the party’s ethnic policies, strengthen national unity, expand the anti-U.S. anti-Chiang patriotic united front, mobilize the people of all ethnic groups to participate in and support the People’s Liberation War, Local Working Committees and the People’s Self-Defense Forces Command issued the “Letter to the Writers of Ethnic Minorities in Western Yunnan Province” on the August 1 Army Day. The Report to the Writers of Ethnic Minorities in Western Yunnan Province is Now Preserved in the Archives of Yulong County in Lijiang City. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, we announced this precious historical file for the revolution, aiming to review history and review the party’s development history. It shows that our party adheres to the principle of equality among ethnic groups, respecting ethnic customs and religious beliefs, and implementing the fine tradition of regional ethnic autonomy policy.
英国约克郡大学的植物学科学家们已首次发表了草本药用作物一年生艾属植物(Artemisia annua)的遗传图谱。这个图谱正被用于艾属植物的快速育种,以便迅速开发出一种高产作物品
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探讨不同冻化温度和冻化时间对甜菜块根采后品质的影响。以甜菜品种BETA 218为试验材料,研究冻固甜菜在0、4℃和10℃下化冻贮藏时蔗糖含量、还原糖含量、有机酸含量、蛋白质
一台履带拆装机如图1所示,左右液压缸(压头)作为动力源,压力最大可达40 MPa。液压缸之间是履带支座。使用证明,这种支座有几个部位经常开裂,且一种支座只能适合一种履带,工作