Power Law Distributions in the Experiment for Adjustment of the Ion Source of the NBI System

来源 :Plasma Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l1113106a1
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The experiential adjustment process in an experiment on the ion source of the neutral beam injector system for the HT-7 Tokamak is reported in this paper. With regard to the data obtained in the same condition, in arranging the arc current intensities of every shot with a decay rank, the distributions of the arc current intensity correspond to the power laws, and the distribution obtained in the condition with the cryo-pump corresponds to the double Pareto distribution. Using the similar study method, the distributions of the arc duration are close to the power laws too. These power law distributions are formed rather naturally instead of being the results of purposeful seeking. The experiential adjustment process in an experiment on the ion source of the neutral beam injector system for the HT-7 Tokamak is reported in this paper. With regard to the data obtained in the same condition, in arranging the arc current intensities of every shot with a decay rank, the distributions of the arc current intensity correspond to the power laws, and the distribution obtained in the condition with the cryo-pump corresponds to the double pareto distribution. to the power law too. These power law distributions are formed rather than rather being being the results of purposeful seeking.
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